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Items tagged with: webdev

😑🆕 What ARIA still does not do

"Use of ARIA is a promise you as a developer make to screen reader users."

#a11y #ARIA #HTML #WebDev…

Vytvořil jsem si svůj "profesní" web (spíš je to jen landingpage), jelikož letos pravděpodobně skončím u dosavadního zaměstnavatele po dlouhých 18 letech 😮 (což zní až neuvěřitelně, ale fakt jsem tam tak dlouho vydržel, vystřídal jsem tam několik pozic).
Budu hledat opět práci #fullstack #webdev #homeoffice, ale se zaměřením na #Wordpress.
(Kdyby to tu četl někdo, kdo hledá někoho do týmu, tak uvítám nabídky, klidně i částečný úvazek.)

Why are my live regions not working? by @patrick_h_lauke

'Live regions have a reputation for being "flaky" and inconsistent. While this can be attributed in part to shortcomings in current implementations, the problem can also be caused by developers misunderstanding how live regions are intended to work.'

#accessibility #HTML #ARIA #WebDev…

Chrome's biggest innovation was the short release cycle with a silent unceremonious autoupdate.

When updates were big, rare, and manual, buggy and outdated browsers were lingering for soo long, that we were giving bugs names. We documented the bugs in magazines and books, as if they were a timeless foundation of #WebDev.

Nowadays browser vendors can fix bugs in 6 weeks (even Safari can…). New-ish stuff is still buggy, but rarely for long enough for the bugs to make it to schools' curriculums.

I'm updating our roadmap for our internal CDN which serves & to the UK.

Which protocols/edge features/security controls (not website content/features/security controls) would you like to see us add?

Already on the list:
- IPv6
- QUIC/h3 (already supported outside UK)
- Post-Quantum Crypto (maybe, needs research)

I can't make any promises but suggestions would be great
Boosts would be ace, TiA!

Edit: Also 👀 for security/performance/reliability tech

#BBC #WebDev #CDN

I made a web component to handle keyboard shortcuts!…


Whenever there's a supply chain attack, the "stop using CDNs for your dependencies!" croud come out in force. Perhaps CDNs would be less popular if I could use a #JavaScript library without installing Node, setting up a dependency manager, trying to resolve a project's dependencies, installing a different version of Node because I was using the wrong one, trying to resolve a project's dependencies again, working out which JS bundler is appropriate to use in 2024, giving up on that in favour of copying commands and JSON from some random Medium article, copying some commands and JSON from a different Medium article when the stuff from the first one inevitably doesn't work, and then going to bed having accomplished exactly nothing.

Just a thought. #webdev #webdevelopment

Why don’t we talk about minifying CSS anymore?…

Me: because Javascript is a much, much, much bigger problem for web performance.

#a11y #webdev #css #javascript #webperf

👉 Compounding complexity in modern web development… #webdev #webdevelopment #reactjs

Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That… #css #webdesign #webdev #webdevelopment

Images without text alternatives is a huge problem. The issue is magnified when the image is a link. Realize that screen reader users receive no valuable information when the image wrapped with a link is missing a text alternative.

Ensure that all images, including those that act as link, provide appropriate text alternatives.

#DigitalAccessibility #Accessibility #A11y #UXDesign #WebDev #WebDevelopment

aria-label is one of a number of secondary methods to label native HTML UI elements. It works in some scenarios, less well or not at all on others. Get the details on it's proper and effective usage.

#HTML #ARIA #WebDev #WebDevelopment #DigitalAccessibility #Accessibility #A11y

🍦 New Article: Your site or app should work as much as possible without JavaScript… #WebDev #FrontEndDeveloper #100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie

Question to #ScreenReader, #LowVision, #blind & #accessibility folks:

How do you feel about duplicate links in articles, blogs, whatever? Meaning: A certain word is a link (let's say "HEALTH") leading to an external website.

Would it annoy you if this word was always a link and it's mentioned for example 20 times in an article? Or would you rather have it only once to make it easier to scan for links?

Is there a related #wcag success criteria?

#WebDev #a11y #disability #frontend

New bookmark: React, Electron, and LLMs have a common purpose: the labour arbitrage theory of dev tool popularity.

“React and the component model standardises the software developer and reduces their individual bargaining power excluding them from a proportional share in the gains”. An amazing write-up by @baldur about the de-skilling of developers to reduce their ability to fight back against their employers.

Originally posted on See Original (POSSE). #GenAI #llms #webdev

There seems to be a bug in newer versions of either Chromium or Electron, which makes it announce an app running under it to be in English. The consequence, VoiceOver on the Mac speaks everything in English, even if the UI is clearly in German, and the app itself recognizes that my system locale is set to German. Two apps that are affected by it are Signal and Skype. And guess what, many of the contacts on there chat with me in German, which makes reading their messages rather difficult. I really wish Signal would port their iPad app to the Mac instead of throwing that stupid web app at us Mac Silicon users. The dependency on at least two different beasts under the hood of the UI which is the reality of Electron apps, is just an accessibility nightmare through and through.

#a11y #WebDev #Electron #Signal #Skype

“The reasons why use of the placeholder attribute as the only means of providing a user readable prompt for a form control is deficient UX, are voluminous. It is frustrating having to rehash this discussion endlessly.”

#HTML #a11y #webDev…

What on earth?! Amazon S3 charges you for unauthorised requests to S3?!

That's just absolutely insane! I better check my AWS account and delete any unused buckets I have in there ……

#aws #s3 #infosec #webdev #cloud

Why are my live regions not working? by @patrick_h_lauke

"Live regions have a reputation for being "flaky" and inconsistent. While this can be attributed in part to shortcomings in current implementations, the problem can also be caused by developers misunderstanding how live regions are intended to work."

#a11y #webDev #HTML #ARIA…

Front-end development’s identity crisis… If you have this crisis (with modern web dev), then that's a good thing! #webdev #webdevelopment #frontend

This piece from @heydon details his system for using the new features of #CSS to test HTML for proper semantics and structure. Just incredible what’s going on in some of these selectors.


⭐️ Accessibility Foundations…
by Henny Swan via @TetraLogical
#webdev #webdesign #a11y #accessibility

"The climate crisis is happening all around us. As tech workers, we can use our skills to take and accelerate climate action." #tech #webdev #climateCrisis #environment #goGreen

Please don't bloat web pages!

"Modern web bloat means some pages load 21MB of data - entry-level phones can't run some simple web pages"…

#webperf #webdev #webdevelopment #usability #sustainability

How screen readers read special characters:… Be sure to read the Takeaway. #a11y #webdev #screenreaders

🔗: Full-text RSS feed is an offline-friendly act #Tech #WebDev…

"I think filing bugs on browsers is one of the most useful things a web developer can do." 👍… #webdev #browsers #bugs

Use GitHub?

GitHub Customer Research Panel—Feedback shapes everything we do at GitHub.…

#github #webdev #survey

JavaScript Bloat in 2024 😢 #webdev #webperf #javascript #js