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#AndroidAppRain at today with 8 updated and 2 added apps:

* frigoligo: mobile client for Wallabag
* NeoStumbler: collecting wireless networks to Mozilla Location Services

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Mozilla Location Service is retiring. Is #NeoStumbler still usable then?…

#Mozilla #MozillaLocationService #MLS

in reply to Markus Henn

@voks Thanks for asking! Correct that to "retired". Then ask why I didn't add the NonFreeNet anti-feature while F-Droid did (no uploads possible anymore).

NeoStumbler collects and, for now, lets you export collected data. There are "custom servers" in preparation for MLS/Ichnaea. As soon as such are up, running and useful, NeoStumbler will add them.

TowerCollector did something comparable, you can enter a custom URL for upload. But then, TC also supports OpenCellID, so it has additional use.

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Ah, PS, forgot to mention the

1 app was removed: not having received answers to my question from #ProtonMail for 1 year 3 months, them having the issue tracker closed a few months ago, now the entire repo was archived. There's a new repo, but app size increased even more – and still no per-ABI builds.

Thus I had to remove ProtonMail now from #IzzyOnDroid, and its return is rather unlikely. Please complain to them not me should this be an issue for you – and sorry for the sad news.

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Antwort vom support bezüglich APP auch gut

"Please note that we have been gradually rolling out the beta version of the new mail app (V6), but we have not yet hit production and the codebase is not OSS yet.
Due to this, the builds are not uploaded on GitHub. However, please know that the source code shall be available soon, as we are working on updating it."

Dafür dass man sich so lobt fürs OpenSource sein und das man ja "gemeinsam mit der Community" Sachen macht schon komisch 🙄

in reply to Michael

@Michael1 In der Tat. Da wundere ich mich 1) dass Du da so schnell Antwort bekommen hast (ich warte auf meine noch immer, bzw. hab es eher aufgegeben), 2) was… dann bittesehr sein soll – und 3) ob sie sich diesmal selbst einen DMCA takedown request schicken (vor ein paar Jahren bekam ich einen von dort – OK, jetzt habe ich ihn halt umgesetzt) 👀

"gemeinsam mit der Community" und issue-tracker deaktivieren passt ja auch toll zusammen 🤦‍♂️

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

@Michael1 Hi there and thanks for the details! Now that the new repo is up and running, we'll be opening it up to accepting issues soon.
in reply to Proton

@protonprivacy thanks, but that's only one aspect. I've asked for per-ABI builds back in 2/2023 with multiple follow-ups (as your APKs got far too big for the IoD repo). Didn't receive an answer yet, so I had to remove the app from IoD. In the new repo I see the APK got even bigger, still no per-ABI builds, still no answer. That's quite disappointing. A communication like that looks a bit weird for a communications project 😉 @Michael1
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Habe in der letzten Zeit getestet, ob ich @Tutanota oder @protonprivacy nutzen möchte. Jetzt konnte ich mich entschieden.
This entry was edited (8 months ago)