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#AndroidAppRain at today with 17 updated (10 of those RB) and 1 added apps:

* healthlog: log health tests, incl. Cholesterol/Sugar/BP/RFT 🛡️

At 1 #Magis module was added (and 2 were upated):

* DynamicSystemTweaks-arm64: Improves system performance without battery loss or overheating for arm64-v8a with 8 cpu core devices only (Android 10+)

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Oh, and the official Mastodon app (2.9.4) now comes with Google Mobile Services included. I've checked the Smali code, doesn't look like a stub… So does the new Photon (file transfer) App, v3.0.0: GMS + Android Vision 🤷‍♂️ Updating their anti-feature list now…
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Anti-Features added (becoming visible with the next sync) and developer teams informed. Hopefully both were just "accidents", and not intended changes, so the next release will clean them up again…
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

didn't Mastodon have their own GMS implementation for push stuff?
in reply to Julian

@j_r This one is not about FCM, it's GMS (internal and some more).
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

So the F-Droid version of Mastodon will not be updated anymore ? Sad
in reply to Alfredo Natale

@alfredon996 It will be updated again. First let's wait what their devs say. Looks like it might be some "wrapping stuff" for use with microG, which just "collides" with the GMS name space (for technical reasons, this cannot always be avoided; microG itself has to do that).
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Update: Mastodon clarified (with proof) this is a "false positive", see… – so no anti-feature with the next sync, and a proper "exception" added for the app (so the scanner does not pop it up again with the next run). Thanks @grishka