Items tagged with: Magis
#AndroidAppRain at today with 17 updated (10 of those RB) and 1 added apps:
* healthlog: log health tests, incl. Cholesterol/Sugar/BP/RFT 🛡️
At 1 #Magis module was added (and 2 were upated):
* DynamicSystemTweaks-arm64: Improves system performance without battery loss or overheating for arm64-v8a with 8 cpu core devices only (Android 10+)
Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo
IzzyOnDroid F-Droid Repository
This is a repository of apps to be used with your F-Droid client. Applications in this repository are official binaries built by the original application developers, taken from their resp. repositories (mostly Github, GitLab, Codeberg).IzzyOnDroid App Repo