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A lot of #Emacs #accessibility tips, from the view of Speechd-el, which is a more traditional screen reader, as opposed to Emacspeak's more all-in-one package.

in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

@Devin Prater :blind: Frankly there are just two posts like this dated a few years and single recent post. Perhaps I'll ad more in the near future.
If you like to suggest some topics, please feel free to point them out.
My ideas are: copying and pasting, reading to the end of a line, looking for context sensitive help, using #emacs customize buffers, speechd-el review commands, adjusting speech properties at runtime. These are new to me as a novice emacs user.
in reply to Peter Vágner

@pvagner I think adjusting speech properties, and getting context sensitive help, would be great. Also, um, I doubt it's possible :) but getting Emacs and speechd-el working on iOS? :)