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Items tagged with: Emacs

I’m building, a new blogging service

- No #tracking
- No #ads
- No #paywall
- No #bloat
- No #distraction
- No registration to try

- #privacy first
- #light #dark mode
- Read anywhere (even on #terminal).
- #markdown drag/drop
- Bring your own #text #editor

You can check out my blog mirror at

Happy to send invites.

Please help me get the word out 🙏

#vim #emacs #vscode #minimalism #indiedev #indieweb #indie

@WestphalDenn @Talon I don't think it's that catastrophic as this sounds any more. I can't say this is not happening but it's very rare. I am on @GNOME . If I get an unresponsive experience I can press alt+F2, type in orca --replace and the screen reader comes back. I can even bind this to a global keyboard shortcut.
When I am leaving my office I am often closing some 15 browser windows, some 10 terminal windows, about 5 different files open in the text editor.
Most used apps on my desktop include #Firefox #Thunderbird file manager (pcmanfm or nautilus), Gedit, VLC media player, electron based apps such as teamsforlinux, losslesscut and gnome-terminal.
Next I'm using @LibreOffice, I am also using #Emacs with #speechd-el a little and finally some other less frequently used apps.
As for the #TTS or the #audio setup I am using #RHVoice, speech-dispatcher and @PipeWire Project .
Finally with @Matt Campbell and @Lukáš Tyrychtr we do have tallented visually disabled developers dogfooding or partially dog fooding so let me finish this post by saying it really is gold era of a linux #a11y and we are looking forward for what it brings us in the future.

#GTK boosting #Qt ?! What's next #Vim endorsing #emacs? 😜
#emacs #gtk #vim #qt

One of my favourite #emacs #magit features is `magit-cherry-donate`.

It moves a commit from the current branch to another branch without switching to the other branch.

This is really great when you work on feature X and see a typo or a mistake that isn't related to what you're currently working on: Just create a quick “Fix typo” commit and move it to `main` (or some branch where you'll process it later) and continue working on your feature – without risking including an unrelated, distracting change in your commit/PR, and without having to remember it for later.

How many of you recently getting started to Emacs?

If you love :emacs:, please boost.

If you use :emacs: for under 1 year, please share your experience.

If you use :emacs: for programming or anything else, please share.

#Emacs #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #OrgMode

  • Yes, I recently started to use Emacs (22%, 5 votes)
  • Yes, with some issues (please share) (9%, 2 votes)
  • Yes, I already use Org-mode (50%, 11 votes)
  • Yes, but I need more resources to learn (18%, 4 votes)
22 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago