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I should post more here. Finally managed to get a working mobile client, so hopefully that will make things a bit easier.

I do appreciate how the tone here is a lot healthier. Not that the world isn't a bad place, but I couldn't handle contributing the the three-alarm fire that my Twitter feed always seemed to be. Either I ratchet up the intensity and feel bad about making things worse, or I post silly memes while the rest of my feed burned. Neither seemed particularly healthy.

Anyhow, hey everyone. Tomorrow I'm attending a board meeting wherein I attempt to convince folks that my allegedly cooperatively-managed apartment complex is an absolute dumpster fire and needs some intervention. How are you?
in reply to Peter Vágner

Yeah, still on Android. Trying to decide between Fedilab and Tusky. For whatever reason, neither worked for me on this instance a few months back.
in reply to Peter Vágner

Yeah, kind of what I thought as well. There's a new Flutter-based Friendica client project starting out here, going to try it out and fix any accessibility issues I find: