in reply to Vegard (Hårfagre) Fjeldberg eo

Looks like it (couldn‘t find the source on… although the underlying interface library appears to be).

I’d love to know what the developer‘s plans for it are. This would also be a great opportunity for someone like NLNet to swoop in and support it being transitioned into the commons (before some VC swoops in and transitions it into being a people farmer).

in reply to Aral Balkan

By the way, nowadays I usually refer to servers as gardens. I believe this will make owning a garden sound a lot less technical and a lot more fun. It would also create expectations of ease of use.

As example, freedombox and yunohost are aiming to be such garden operating systems. And Pioneer Freedombox is a garden.

#language #orange #digitalissues

in reply to Aral Balkan

And, finally (there’s so much more but I’ll stop raving now and get back to work), the web-related features, like a built-in accessibility and scripting panel and access to the SVG source, styling, etc.

If you’re creating illustrations for the web (or, heck, in general) and you’re not using this absolute gem of an app, you’re missing out :)

#svg #web #design #vector #illustration

in reply to bhaugen

I don’t understand… it’s free on free/open systems. So if you cannot use anything but open/commons software, you should be fine as everyone should be running Linux or some other free/open OS where they can use it for free. If someone is running macOS, which is where they have to pay for it, they’ve already violated your pledge to not use anything but open/commons software.
in reply to Aral Balkan

Correction: the app itself doesn’t appear to be free/open (which is fine, it’s still an indie app and that definitely counts) although the interface library and some other components appear to be.

I also just wrote an email to the author to both praise him for making what is one of the most gorgeous apps I’ve seen in a long while and to ask what his plans are for the future.

I‘d love to see, for example, some EU funding being used to contribute this to the commons.

in reply to Aral Balkan

Thanks for sharing. It looks really promising.

Since we are talking about online vector graphic editors, I would like to mention the marvelous @penpot

They have done an incredible job with their open-source app.