
Items tagged with: vector

New in #MapComplete :

- @protomaps are now available as background layer
- All other #vector background layers were apparently broken as well. Not anymore! Carto, Alidade, MapTiler carto, Americana, ... all work again
- A new #map about memorials is now available:

(To change the background layer, press the 'layers' icon on the bottom left)

And, finally (there’s so much more but I’ll stop raving now and get back to work), the web-related features, like a built-in accessibility and scripting panel and access to the SVG source, styling, etc.

If you’re creating illustrations for the web (or, heck, in general) and you’re not using this absolute gem of an app, you’re missing out :)

#svg #web #design #vector #illustration

And those little touches… notice how the curve that the selected Bézier control point is affecting is highlighted in purple. And you can simply pull along there to shape the curve instead of manipulating the control point handles.

Just beautiful.

#svg #foss #boxySVG #web #design #vector #illustration