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According to an article on Phoronix this morning, GNOME can now be compiled without any X11 support. This is another illustration of where GNOME is headed, and other desktop environments aren't far behind. The days of X11 are coming to a close.
What concerns me is that accessibility support is still behind where it should be in making the switch to Wayland. I hope the GNOME Foundation and others involved in the accessibility effort can prioritize the work so that it is completed before it becomes absolutely necessary - and we're rapidly approaching that point now.
#accessibility #GNOME #Wayland #ScreenReaders
in reply to Michael A. Murphy :system76:

@mmstick Yes, I'm totally aware of that work. I'm more worried about the keyboard handling problems and some of the other sources of regression unrelated to the architectural proposal. I am also concerned about the transition plans.
in reply to Jason J.G. White

@mmstick We've discussed extracting the keyboard handling solution that I prototyped as part of Newton and bringing that part to production in the near term.
in reply to Jason J.G. White

Then feel free to get involved and help with testing and development of Newton and AccessKit.
in reply to Michael A. Murphy :system76:

@mmstick I plan to help with testing at some point after the work is merged and on its way to release. I'm also using my system for real work, so I'm trying to achieve a balance between running beta versions of accessibility tools and having a functional work environment. Of course, using a system for day-to-day work is a very effective strategy for finding bugs.
in reply to Jason J.G. White

I know that the GNOME Foundation is trying to get funding to continue the work that I've begun on Wayland accessibility.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Maybe some of the lighthouses would contribute. Any idea how much money they need?
in reply to Bryan Smart

@bryansmart Adding @sonny to this thread. To answer the question about how much money, I won't give specific dollar amounts, but I'd guesstimate one to two person-years of work to fully implement the new Wayland-native accessibility architecture. There are smaller projects we can do in the short term, like extracting just the keyboard handling part, like I said elsewhere on the thread.

Rui Batista reshared this.

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt @sonny Less than half a million should cover it. That isn't unobtainium. I'll check. Is it work you'd be available to do, considering there was money, or would you be leaving it to others at Gnome?