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While K-9 Mail is developed in the open, following its development on GitHub can be somewhat tedious for a casual observer. So we’re trying something new and summarizing the most notable things that happened in the past month as we head down the exciting road to Thunderbird for Android!…

#OpenSource #Thunderbird #Android #K9Mail #Mobile #Dev

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Thank you! Will there be a plain text / HTML switch in the Android app? I remember chketti was somewhat reluctant to that proposal as a solo developer.
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

anyone on this please IMAP search non-ascii fails…
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

not sure I'll move from #fairemail, asripath was right...…
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

do you plan to eventually expand k-9's functionality to support rss feeds like Thunderbird does? :ablobcathappypaws:
in reply to Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox

Go Thunderbird! It's great to see an #OpenSource Project with such a long history thrive.

I can't wait to finally have Sync on all my devices.