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As Snikket is still not available on the #Google Play Store, we've published a longer blog post about the situation, how to work around it using #FDroid, and the long path of stupid Google review responses that led us here.

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in reply to Snikket

very minor clarification: Google had accepted the version that reinstated the contact permission. This was live for a couple of days/weeks until they suddenly changed their mind. They didn't just outright rejected the update.

Interesting that you still had contact list integration soft disabled. That confirms that Google believes contact permission == uploads data. Considering how Google makes money that kinda makes sense I guess...

Google had accepted a version of #Conversations_im with address book integration that explicitly asks the user for consent to process the contact list locally on their device before requesting contacts permission. Our privacy policy included explicit wording w.r.t. local processing of the contact list.

However it’s unthinkable for Google that someone would request contacts permission and then not upload them. A few days later they changed their mind and threatened to remove the app again.