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Thanks for your patience with the beta glitch last week. We're pleased to advise we've got rid of those nasty bugs. NVDA 2024.1 Beta 10 is now available, and we promise the bugs in this version are much friendlier! Please do head to for all the details & to download.

Changes since Beta 7:
- Fix for emojis in terminals
- Native Selection bug fix in Word
- Installer fixes
- Updates to docs & translations

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Update #Beta #NewVersion #Download

in reply to Kevan

@kev We put out Beta 8, and quickly found an issue where some users couldn't update. We thought we fixed that and released Beta 9. We discovered that was also problematic, so we pulled both of those until we could fix them and put out Beta 10. It should all be fine, but please do let us know if you hit any issues.
in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

@pixelate @kev Exactly. And 8 did exist briefly, but we don't talk about it much and most users will jump straight from 7 to 10. 😉
in reply to NV Access

WTH happened to beta niner? Glad beta X is out now.
in reply to Lino Morales

@Lino_JR There was one, but we pulled it when we discovered it still gave users problems updating
in reply to NV Access

I know that beta 9 was removed for quality reasons, but what happened to beta 8?
in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson Same thing - we realised it caused problems updating and replaced it with Beta 9 very soon after release thinking we'd fixed it. We thought wrong - hence we rolled back to Beta 7 until we HAD fixed it and were able to release Beta 10