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Items tagged with: update

We are very pleased to share that the NVDA 2024.2 Release Candidate is now available:… This includes lots of new features since 2024.1, including Sound Split, new Synth Settings & other quick nav commands, a new "Display Speech Output" Braille mode and many more updates and fixes. Do test it out and let us know how you find it! Otherwise, the final version will be out in the next few weeks.

#NVDA #NVDAsr #NewVersion #FOSS #Update #Release #PreRelease #ScreenReader

NVDA 2024.2 Beta 3 is now available. As well as all the amazing things already announced, changes in Beta 3:
- Disable style navigation in Microsoft Word
- Add section on Add-on Store to Quick Start Guide
- Fixes for using Poedit with all plural forms
- Minor fixes for sound split
- Minor documentation fixes
- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #FOSS #Update #Accessibility #A11y #Beta

Voice Dream Update. there is an update just released today in the app store that makes the subscription accessible, and allows you to pay with your Apple ID. You can find the button in settings. After tapping on the button, it will put you in an overlay screen that is at the top. To sign up, just swipe down that screen and double tap on the 14 day trial. You will get a pop up confirmation screen like you do when getting an app from the app store. After confirming, your 14 day trial will begin. Please pass this around! #VoiceDream #Subscription #update

Thanks for your patience with the beta glitch last week. We're pleased to advise we've got rid of those nasty bugs. NVDA 2024.1 Beta 10 is now available, and we promise the bugs in this version are much friendlier! Please do head to… for all the details & to download.

Changes since Beta 7:
- Fix for emojis in terminals
- Native Selection bug fix in Word
- Installer fixes
- Updates to docs & translations

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Update #Beta #NewVersion #Download

NVDA double release day! NVDA 2023.3.2 fixes the fix that wasn’t fully fixed in the first fix. Please do read the full announcement and download at:…

And to go with it, NVDA 2024.1 Beta 5 includes the fix from 2023.3.2, as well as documentation, logging and translation updates! Read more and download from:…

#NVDA #ScreenReader #News #Update #NVDAsr #A11y #Accessibility #Patch #Patchday

Apple is actually capable of updating their apps separately?! #apple #ios #appstore #update #applemusicclassical

NVDA 2024.1 Beta 1 is now available for testing. Highlights include a new on-demand speech mode, the ability to drop speech modes from the NVDA+s command, a new "native selection" mode for Firefox, bulk actions in the add-on store & ability to review add-ons & more!

Note this release breaks add-on compatibility and only works on Windows 8.1 and newer.

Full info and Download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Update #Beta #NewVersion #A11y #Accessibility #News

NVDA 2023.3 RC 2 has been released. Changes from RC1 are translation updates for some languages. We encourage all users to download and test this RC and provide feedback. Please read the full what's new and download the release candidate from:… #NVDASr #NVDA #ScreenReader #Update #NewVersion

a11yphant #Update 🐘

We have revamped the #mobile #UserExperience on our website. It is now possible to open all challenges on smaller devices.

Ever wondered what it would be like to code on your phone? Use the time on the bus or train to complete some levels on your way to work.

New design #update brings nice improvements - not just in looks, also in functionality!

@Tutanota refreshes its look and optimizes toolbars.

(Tutanota is a highly recommended private and encrypted email provider in the privacy community)

#privacy #privacymatters…

We're back in Australia and to celebrate, we've got a new 2023.1 Release Candidate!… As well as all the previously mentioned 2023.1 goodness, this RC includes a fix for NVDA stopping reading in Kindle when turning the page. #NVDA #Kindle #release #update #screenreader

Mastodon v4.1.0 got released today!
Some awesome additions that people have been after for a while now:
- Add support for importing/exporting server-wide domain blocks
- Ensure exact match is the first result in hashtag searches
- Add support for editing media description and focus point of already-sent posts
- Add listing of followed hashtags

And the list of fixes inbound with this version is monstrous.

This is great to see, but please keep in mind that your particular instance will need to be updated to this version so not all instances will update at the same time.

Some apps may also need to be updated in order to support these new features.…

#Mastodon #Update #MastodonTips #FediTips

Conformant open source support for Mali-G57 GPU:… #linux #linuxgaming #foss #release #update #hardware #mali #gpu #arm