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Run interactive #Python code directly in your LibreOffice spreadsheets with this new extension!… #libreoffice #foss #OpenSource

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in reply to LibreOffice

That's impressive and useful! 👌
May I ask if there is an extension for #LaTeX #equations integration ? 🔍👀
in reply to LibreOffice

Can any of the #libreoffice spreadsheet users out there tell me if there is an "import JSON" extension available at this time, or if there are any plans to add the function to Calc any time in the near future. Thanks in advance :)
in reply to LibreOffice

Strongly believe you should develop and integrate this extension in the core Libreoffice, it will make Excel with the VB macros a thing of the past 🙃
in reply to LibreOffice

Given the difficulty Excel has had with malicious macros this seems like it could be asking for trouble.
in reply to Åki

@qwertziop @InsertUser Then... Don't use it 😉 It's a purely optional extension, after all, not built-in to the software...
in reply to LibreOffice

@FreieSoftwareOG what's the problem with using it the other way. Python using Open Office, not Open Office using Python?
in reply to DoKo

@DoKo @FreieSoftwareOG Well, OpenOffice's last big update was in 2014, and it's had repeated problems fixing security holes on time:… – But LibreOffice is the properly maintained and actively developed successor project 😊
in reply to LibreOffice

@FreieSoftwareOG the point was noch using OO or LO (this was just the small "joke" to not use MS Office), the point is the question who utilizes who...