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phosh 0.41.0 is out 🚀📱:

- media player widget gained track position, length and progress bar
- New Wi-Fi HotSpot QuickSetting
- New Bluetooth Status page
- More vert space for status pages
- Silent mode on Vol-
- new layouts in squeekboard
- swipe to close gesture in phosh-osk-stub

There's much more. Check out the full release notes at…

🙏 to everyone who contributed to this release.

#phosh #librem5 #pinephone #gtk #wlroots #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile

in reply to Phosh

phosh 0.41.1 is out 🚀📱:

This is a bug fix release addressing important issues in #phosh (quick setting related crash) and phosh-osk-stub (swipe gesture usability, unswap backspace/enter) that shouldn't wait 'til 0.42.0. Check out the release notes at…

🙏 to everyone who contributed to this release.