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In-Process is out, with all the details on NVDA 2024.2 Beta 3, Mick and Gerald's interview on Eyes On Success, a big walkthrough of the new "Sound Split" feature (if you've ever wanted to have NVDA in one ear and your apps or VOIP in the other, you won't want to miss this!), and the New braille setting: “Display speech output”.

Check it all out here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Blog #News #Newsletter #Braille #ScreenReader #Accessibility #EyesOnSuccess

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in reply to NV Access

Hi. I was wondering what exactly is the difference between sound split disabled and the option nvda on both channels and applications on both channels? As I understand if soundsplit is disabled, it does exactly what the other options describes, unless if I am missing something.
in reply to Nikos Demetriou

@nikosdemetriou Good question! Basically disabled = no audio processing. "NVDA in both channels and applications in both channels" may process audio (I gather there are technicalities involved) - but if you have another program which specifically sends audio ONLY to left for instance, it may end up in both left and right, depends on how it works.
in reply to NV Access

Thanks for explaining. So if I understand right, choosing nvda on both channels and applications on both channels, is it going to produce everything in mono?
in reply to Nikos Demetriou

@nikosdemetriou You might need to test it with something which is specifically stereo to check, but possibly, yes.