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Beta7 of NVDA 2024.1 is now available for download and testing. Changes from the previous beta include:
- When copying text in Microsoft Word with NVDA’s browse mode enabled, formatting is now also included
- Updates to documentation, Native selection mode, errors when session is locked / unlocked and translations.

Read more & download at:

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Beta #News

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in reply to Kaveinthran

@kaveinthran It will! The question (you probably want an answer to) is: After WHICH beta? That I'm not sure - we'll see how this one goes, if there are any issues, if we need another 2023.3 point release etc. But broadly, yes, after the beta will be the RC, and after the RC (one or more) will be the final, stable 2024.1 :)
in reply to NV Access

I wonder what it would take to get a "copy with formatting" option for webpages, even if it's just reconstituted formatting with basic stuff like headings, lists, and links.
in reply to Simon Jaeger

@simon It's coming. In NVDA 2024.1 (in beta now), there is a "Native selection" option. From the release notes at:

"A new Native Selection mode (toggled by NVDA+shift+f10) is now available in NVDA’s browse mode for Mozilla Firefox. When turned on, selecting text in browse mode will also manipulate Firefox’s own native selection. Copying text with control+c will pass straight through to Firefox, thus copying the rich content, rather than NVDA’s plain text representation."

in reply to NV Access

Very cool! A lot of extremely important addons still aren't working with that, I should just force them and see if I can run it. I really like keeping up with betas.