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I'm still wondering whether I should install KDE Connect or not. On the one hand, great smartphone integration on the computer, on the other hand: do I really need it? Longer battery life is more important to me, and for the few times I want to transfer photos to the computer, I can also connect the USB cable.

#grapheneos #kdeconnect #kde #kdeplasma #degoogled #pixel #privacy #surveillance #linux #bigdata #fedora #unix #freebsd

in reply to unixviking :linux: :freebsd:

Unfortunately #KDEConnect & friends don't have a great power-saving story, yet.

This would be a neat idea for an #Outreachy or #GSoC applicant, since it would require some creative thinking.

Part of the problem here, is that the power consumption and wake-ups are *usually* caused by the remote device, not the local one. For example, a remote device sending MPRIS track switch + album art update every ~3 minutes.

in reply to Andy Holmes

@andyholmes Yes, unfortunately. That's why I'm inclined to prioritize battery life. As I said, I only need to copy photos from time to time, text messages or calls on the computer aren't of interest to me anyway.