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Just dropped on the App Store: #RHVoice for #iOS. For now only #Macedonian and #Albanian languages are supported but it's worth bookmarking/installing this now to follow updates. Again, new linguistic communities have been included to the #Apple ecosystem with high-quality, free-of-charge voices.… #Accessibility #Blind #SpeechSynthesis #TextToSpeech #Languages

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in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

I wouldn't insist on "high quality", but yeah, decent enough to read a text book.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion The Polish voices are pretty good actually. Of course, they don't stand up to the current state of the art neural voices but for a free and open source product it's way more than you can expect.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

Czyli co, nowe języki – kolejne, w tym Polski, będą wkrótce tak? A dlaczego od tamtych języków się zaczyna. Możesz odpowiedzieć tutaj, albo w wiadomości prywatnej na whatsapp.
in reply to michalkasperczak

@michalkasperczak Domyślam się, że jako sprawdzenie popytu wypuścili najpierw te języki, których Apple domyślnie nie wspiera w VoiceOver. Liczę na to, że z czasem przyjdą inne.
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Paweł Masarczyk
@devinprater Yes, they are quite into support for smaller languages which aren't traditionally supported.