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Items tagged with: RHVoice

@WestphalDenn @Talon I don't think it's that catastrophic as this sounds any more. I can't say this is not happening but it's very rare. I am on @GNOME . If I get an unresponsive experience I can press alt+F2, type in orca --replace and the screen reader comes back. I can even bind this to a global keyboard shortcut.
When I am leaving my office I am often closing some 15 browser windows, some 10 terminal windows, about 5 different files open in the text editor.
Most used apps on my desktop include #Firefox #Thunderbird file manager (pcmanfm or nautilus), Gedit, VLC media player, electron based apps such as teamsforlinux, losslesscut and gnome-terminal.
Next I'm using @LibreOffice, I am also using #Emacs with #speechd-el a little and finally some other less frequently used apps.
As for the #TTS or the #audio setup I am using #RHVoice, speech-dispatcher and @PipeWire Project .
Finally with @Matt Campbell and @Lukáš Tyrychtr we do have tallented visually disabled developers dogfooding or partially dog fooding so let me finish this post by saying it really is gold era of a linux #a11y and we are looking forward for what it brings us in the future.

Dnes si dovolím odkázať na veľmi vydarený český hlas pre hlasový výstup #TTS #RHVoice. Sám autor o tom píše tu: . O použití pre #Windows #Linux a #Android sa dočítate aj na jednoduchej komunitnej stránke . Gro používateľov sú ťažko zrakovo postihnutí používatelia, ktorí si bez kvalitného hlasového výstupu a čítača obrazovky nedokážu svoj digitálny život predstaviť, možno ale aj vám by sa mohol hodiť takýto hlas pre váš počítač či smartfón nezávislí od obrovských korporácií. Mohli by ste ho napr. použiť na čítanie kníh alebo počas navigácii cez GPS.

Content warning: :boosts_ok_gay:​Help with Linux Screenreaders

Just dropped on the App Store: #RHVoice for #iOS. For now only #Macedonian and #Albanian languages are supported but it's worth bookmarking/installing this now to follow updates. Again, new linguistic communities have been included to the #Apple ecosystem with high-quality, free-of-charge voices. #Accessibility #Blind #SpeechSynthesis #TextToSpeech #Languages

Here is the walk through on creating new voice for #RHVoice
If you are adding new voice for existing language that might not be that difficult to do I guess.
However I my-self have difficulties configuring phoneme translation for slovak and I am just on the beginning with my ultimate goal on creating #slovak voice.