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Items tagged with: COVID19

Pět let se mi dařilo se nákaze vyhnout. No nic všechno musí být jednou poprvé #COVID19

Had a mild #COVID19 infection?
Doesn’t mean it’s mild.

#SARS-Cov-2 can behave like HIV or Polio. It can cause internal damage long after apparent recovery.

Mild initial infection does not = mild disease.

Multiple studies show this. #LongCovid…

Obviously from an equity standpoint by the way, these assholes in charge have done everything they can to marginalize the Overtly Vulnerable and that was BEFORE #COVID19, so just couching it in those terms, although god damned important, just, and righteous, isn't going to move the needle for these selfish assholes making these Mask Ban decisions.

We are all exempt from mask bans if we give a shit about our health. It's a value decision. Do you value your life?

Start to expand this value into the ethos and lets correct the injustices we've just accepted among those Overtly Vulnerable because of "it doesn't affect me" type individualist ignorant ass logic that permeates western society.

Further, it's laughable that the pushback on Mask Bans is not focusing on the fact that every last one of us is vulnerable, that COVID is a ticking multitropic timebomb that exists to rob us of our lives, chronically more so than acutely, and that everyone qualifies for an Exemption from Banning Masks by virtue of being alive.

Nassau County can lick my ass. But only after they put on an N95 and do a couple of RATs first. Same with any piece of shit cop enforcing it.

#covid19 #CovidIsNotOver

But yall, don't worry.

COVID's over, because Musk needs a new space yacht or two.

Clownshow, anyone who is live action roleplaying "everything is normal, definitely not 14,000,000 years deviant from our hominin ecological niche climatologically, nor is COVID an actual thing anymore".

#CovidIsNotOver #covid19

Seems like huge news: "Nasal COVID-19 vaccine halts transmission"

Study in hamsters indicates vaccines targeting nose, mouth may be key to controlling spread of respiratory infections…

#COVID19 #Covid

Long COVID can change your life--even if you've seemingly recovered. “People who have recovered from long COVID can suffer relapses or flare-ups from new viral infections — not just from COVID but from cold, flu, and other viral pathogens, researchers have found.”

The ONLY way to prevent Long COVID is to avoid your next infection with #COVID19.…

„Bei naturwissenschaftlichen Phänomenen gibt es keine Meinungsverschiedenheiten, sondern Unsicherheiten.“

Starkes aber auch ernüchterndes und vor allem, mit Blick in die Zukunft, beängstigendes Interview mit Christian #Drosten.

#FightCovid #Covid19 #Pandemie

Any #blind people have one of these? Are they accessible. The page says there’s a bluetooth module. Does that mean they have an app where you can get your results accessibly? How is the accessibility of the test kit itself, in terms of a blind person being able to use it without too much difficulty?…

#Covid #Covid19 #CovidIsntOver

Do take the time to read this brilliant piece.

It contains excellent explanations on the spread of COVID mutations/variants, why vaccination alone isn't the answer, why we should continue to mask and negative communications.

#WearAMask #WearADamnMask #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #covid…

a friend and I were talking about COVID precautions and they just sent me this paper which appears to raise concerns about safety and efficacy of wearing masks for COVID - does anyone here know anything about this paper + what conclusions should be drawn from it? I feel like there's probably *something* wrong with it given it very much is the consensus in communities I'm in (that seem to pay lots of attention to the literature) that wearing masks is a good precaution to take against COVID, but I'm not sure how to respond. is there a good analysis of the paper somewhere or anything like that?…

#COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #covid

Ich möchte auch einen umfassenden "gesellschaftlichen Aufarbeitungsprozess".

Warum wurden wir so inkonsequent geschützt? Warum wurde so konsequent aufgegeben? Warum wurde die Intensität der Forschung reduziert? Warum haben wir immernoch nichts gelernt für den Alltag? Warum kein Recht auf Schutz?

Ich bin wütend. Und ich vermute, keine dieser Fragen werden ernsthaft gestellt.…

#covid19 #CovidIsNotOver #depol #drosten #lauterbach #dlf

The UK government is planning to scrap millions of unused SARS-CoV-2 vaccine doses, which could have been used to vaccinate previously ineligible groups for free, after they closed the autumn booster campaign.

Meanwhile, pharmacies have just been authorised to offer Covid vaccines at a massive £45 a pop, thus excluding the poorest sections of the population.

And the new scheme starts on...yes you've guessed..April 1st.

#Covid19 #Vaccines #NHSPrivatisation…

Interesting STUDY on the risks of #COVID19 infection in a university setting in China.

The risk of infection of susceptible students per 45-min lesson was 1%. (That adds up fast with 15 classes/week for many students.)
An occupancy rate of 50% reduced infection risk by 62%.
Fresh air decreased risk by 81.1%.
All students wearing N95 respirators reduced risks by 96%.

So, which of these mitigations are we doing to protect students? None. We are doing none of them.…

"Oxygen extraction by the body’s tissues was compromised in patients who had symptoms of #exerciseIntolerance after #COVID"

"Patients are told that their symptoms are a result of deconditioning, or decline from lack of physical activity.
Our findings contradict that hypothesis."

#PostCovid #LongCovid #PEM #MECFS #corona #covid19…

SARS-CoV-2 attacks the mitochondria in cells, depleting their energy.

"researchers found that the virus blocks specific genes that use oxygen to create ATP, forcing the body to deplete finite energy reserves in the body. Without an energy source, cells throughout the body begin to starve, with the cells powering the brain and the heart suffering the most.”…

#LongCovid #Covid19

Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman, who identified a chemical tweak to messenger RNA that laid the foundation for vaccines against #Covid19, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology/ Medicine.

As this photo shows, both scientists are wearing masks and NOT relying on the "vax and relax".

#WearAMask #WearARespirator
#MaskUp #NobelPrize #Covid #CovidIsNotOver #SarsCov2 #COVIDisAirborne

Are you a #sourdough baker? If so, I need your help! I'm researching sourdough baking during the COVID lockdowns for my MA and would love you to fill out my survey!

I'm also looking for people to tell me about their sourdough baking journey (Yes, even yours!), so if you would be interested, please DM me!

#sourdough #baking #research #COVID19

This is NOT an article from The Onion...

"Several people who attended the Epidemic Intelligence Service Conference have tested positive for COVID-19,” a CDC branch chief wrote in an email to staff on Friday.

#COVID19 #Covid #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsntOver #CDC…

Germany's Corona-Warn-App is being discontinued. Screenshots attached in English and German.

(Die Corona-Warn-App in Deutschland wird eingestellt. Screenshots in Englisch und Deutsch anbei.)

#COVID #COVID19 #Germany #Deutschland #EndOfAnEra #CoronaWarnApp

Want to know WHY there are #NOVIDS?

Masking. Distancing. Not congregating.

READ: Cautious behaviour.…



No one wants masks, but we still need them to keep #COVID19 at bay:… #WEARAMASK #COVID19ISAIRBORNE

Do not walk around and claim you have an underlying illness, or you're knowingly immunocompromised... and not wear a mask.… #WEARAMASK #COVID19 #COVID19ISAIRBORNE

We'll never fully understand the political agenda that popularized the removal of mask-wearing. It's the least expensive yet most effective way to protect the public.

Mask wearing should never have ended when there is currently over 500 deaths a day.

"WHO backs mask wearing on long flights as new Omicron variant spreads"…

#COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #PublicHealth #BringBackMasks #COVIDisAirborne

Could reporters stop both-siding COVID and focus on why political leaders are failing us? Politicians aren’t reinstating mandates because masks remind us we are in a pandemic, and they are afraid that people will consume less if they see more people wearing masks. They are prioritizing corporate profits over public health.…

#COVID #COVID19 #PublicHealth

NEW: New York City has just issued an advisory for everyone to wear a mask in public spaces because COVID levels are high in all 5 boroughs.

#BringBackMasks #COVID #COVID19 #PublicHealth

:opensource: The #AllThingsOpen #opensource conference is this coming Tuesday & Wednesday in the US.

:covid19: They are taking some but not all of the necessary #COVID19 precautions from #PHPledge so I will be attending the free-of-charge virtual option, which you may want to do as well.

The stream covers some event content via their proprietary SaaS provider. You do have to register so your (real or fake) personal data can be monetized by sponsors.


The #pandemic is far from over. Cases are low but rising again. It takes many lines of defense to protect against #COVID19. The #SwissCheeseModel of virus pandemic defense.

⚠️ ☣️ a good reminder and warning to not presume you are no longer contagious with #COVID19 just because N days have passed, and/or because you no longer have symptoms. Be sure with a rapid antigen test.

More in the Tweets here:…

💉💰 #Vaccine makers took BILLIONS of dollars in public funding. So why are they keeping #COVID19 vaccines from lower-income countries?

🗣️ Join in calling on #Pfizer #Moderna and others to #ShareTheScience and help end the #COVID #pandemic.

:boostsOK: if you agree.