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Items tagged with: Covid

@DavidM_yeg You can both mask for the drive. I need to remind myself to mask for my Korean class tonight in a crowded classroom. Covering one’s face for language learning is less than ideal but so is #COVID.

Annnnd the air quality monitoring array has been deployed at #MatrixConf! Can you guess which room the BarCamp is starting in? 😂

Tomorrow will be the real test of the venue's ventilation, as we're expecting about 4x the attendees that we have today.

We take the #HealthAndSafety of our community seriously and are requiring masks indoors this year. The data we collect will help us calibrate our approach with this venue when we return!

#PHPledge #PublicHealthPledge #AQI #COVID #OpenSource #FOSS

I've got #covid again, for the third time.

Shame that my individual act of masking every single time I use public transit or enter a store isn't enough to protect me.

Almost like #publichealth policy can't be based on individual risk assessment.

Stay safe out there, y'all.


"We keep pretending that the pandemic is done and over, but it keeps knocking us off our feet"


Noah Lyles' collapse underscores our collective COVID denial |…

Thank you for sharing this Salon article on collective denialism. It touches so many subjects including Olympic athletes competing with covid, Taylor Swift superspreader concerts, surveillance of cases and deaths, how covid is not a cold or flu but a multisystemic disease that leads to disability in kids and adults, economic fallout, vaccination, and finally MASKING for mitigation. Superb article that needs a wider audience.…
#Covid #CovidIsNotOver #MaskUp

Seems like huge news: "Nasal COVID-19 vaccine halts transmission"

Study in hamsters indicates vaccines targeting nose, mouth may be key to controlling spread of respiratory infections…

#COVID19 #Covid

Someone I know who is chronically ill recently contracted #covid because a healthy person she trusted didn't tell her about being at an indoor event.

They both got COVID. The healthy person bounced back. My chronically ill friend? Now sicker than she ever was and no way to know if her downturn is long term or permanent.

That's what it's like now. If you're already chronically ill the world is a dangerous place and healthy people generally DGAF.

Falls jemand diesen Beitrag eines seit seiner #covid Infektion schwer an #mecfs erkrankten Journalisten (Tim Braune) von vor einigen Wochen nicht mitbekommen hat, ich finde dass auch sein Beitrag zu dem Thema sehr deutlich und wichtig ist:…

Hey VIA Rail, I know you say you have HEPA filters and stuff, but how about some fresh air? This is far worse than an airplane. 1980's LRC car, 5 hour trip from Toronto to Montreal. #co2 #aranet #viarail #covid

Any #blind people have one of these? Are they accessible. The page says there’s a bluetooth module. Does that mean they have an app where you can get your results accessibly? How is the accessibility of the test kit itself, in terms of a blind person being able to use it without too much difficulty?…

#Covid #Covid19 #CovidIsntOver

Do take the time to read this brilliant piece.

It contains excellent explanations on the spread of COVID mutations/variants, why vaccination alone isn't the answer, why we should continue to mask and negative communications.

#WearAMask #WearADamnMask #CovidIsNotOver #COVID19 #covid…

a friend and I were talking about COVID precautions and they just sent me this paper which appears to raise concerns about safety and efficacy of wearing masks for COVID - does anyone here know anything about this paper + what conclusions should be drawn from it? I feel like there's probably *something* wrong with it given it very much is the consensus in communities I'm in (that seem to pay lots of attention to the literature) that wearing masks is a good precaution to take against COVID, but I'm not sure how to respond. is there a good analysis of the paper somewhere or anything like that?…

#COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #covid

A pandemic habit I’ve kept: I set out free seedlings for people in the neighborhood to take.

#gardening #covid #GoodVibes #plants

Addressing indoor air quality saves lives and helps us achieve at work, in school, and in self-governance.

Brain function declines by 15% as CO2 levels hit 945ppm, and by 50% at 1400ppm.

Have you ever measured CO2 at your desk or a contentious City Council meeting? What you find might surprise you!

These scientists recommend mandating clean air in public buildings, with 800ppm as the upper limit. That's good policy:…

#IAQ #COVID #HealthAndSafety #PublicHealthPledge

Sharing for a friend. Please boost/repost!

Parent or teacher interested in a Covid safe school?! Centered in disability justice. One is forming in MA/RI, location TBD. Email for more info or with questions!

@disability @mcas
@education @neurodivergents

#Covid #MaskUp #LongCovid #Education #disability #justice #school #k12

Funny. Every time I go through an airport, I’m struck by all the bullshit we have to do because 3000 people died more than 2 decades ago. However, we won’t accept any inconvenience for something that has killed more than a million Americans.


První nevyžádaný dárek. Tenhle se bohužel nedá odmítnout a vracet ho nechcete :-) Hodně zdraví do nového roku. #covid

"Oxygen extraction by the body’s tissues was compromised in patients who had symptoms of #exerciseIntolerance after #COVID"

"Patients are told that their symptoms are a result of deconditioning, or decline from lack of physical activity.
Our findings contradict that hypothesis."

#PostCovid #LongCovid #PEM #MECFS #corona #covid19…

#COVID breakthrough: New #nasalspray protects against all variants

Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman, who identified a chemical tweak to messenger RNA that laid the foundation for vaccines against #Covid19, were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology/ Medicine.

As this photo shows, both scientists are wearing masks and NOT relying on the "vax and relax".

#WearAMask #WearARespirator
#MaskUp #NobelPrize #Covid #CovidIsNotOver #SarsCov2 #COVIDisAirborne

US National Institutes of Health Study Finds Increased Risk of Long Covid After Reinfection: Study shows risk of Long Covid is very common after Omicron reinfection, but is anyone listening?

CDC's conference infected at least 181 of its own people.

#covid @whn…

This is NOT an article from The Onion...

"Several people who attended the Epidemic Intelligence Service Conference have tested positive for COVID-19,” a CDC branch chief wrote in an email to staff on Friday.

#COVID19 #Covid #CovidIsNotOver #CovidIsntOver #CDC…

We have now reached the absurdist phase of #COVID denial where hospitals are literally asking patients to stay home when they are sick because they just can't be bothered to require masks anymore.

Germany's Corona-Warn-App is being discontinued. Screenshots attached in English and German.

(Die Corona-Warn-App in Deutschland wird eingestellt. Screenshots in Englisch und Deutsch anbei.)

#COVID #COVID19 #Germany #Deutschland #EndOfAnEra #CoronaWarnApp

Just deleted my Brave browser.…

#Brave #ChatGPT #BrendanEich #LGBTQ #COVID #AI

For 3 consecutive years, #COVID-19 has been the top cause of death in the line of duty for police officers. But the NYPD wants to criminalize wearing a mask anyway.


Certain groups are pulling out of developing #COVID vaccines now that the "COVID opportunity" is "receding".

They are abandoning everything they promised. They aren't updating vaccines, they've stopped working on new vaccine development, they won't pay for testing & monitoring.

Businesses promised hybrid then forced everyone back full time. Businesses promised remote then forced hybrid. They're trying to force recession to take back power.

We need to unionize everything.


Here's one from my homeland of the Netherlands, showing excess mortality in 2022 was just as high as 2020 and 2021. Which would be weird if #covid were actually over…

Elites at the World Economic Forum are doing everything they can to protect themselves from #COVID, because the ruling class know the pandemic is not over.

Meanwhile, they are pushing the rest of us back into unsafe workplaces to protect their profits. This is class warfare.

This is a really great guide to help you prepare in advance for the possibility of having covid, and remind you what to do if the worst happens! I've never seen this kind of info all collated together like this before.

Really valuable resource! (especially if like me you have trouble remembering or making plans etc!)

Pls share around!

Link to The People's CDC guide to what to do if you have covid.…

#Disability #NEISvoid #ActuallyAutistic #Covid

Could reporters stop both-siding COVID and focus on why political leaders are failing us? Politicians aren’t reinstating mandates because masks remind us we are in a pandemic, and they are afraid that people will consume less if they see more people wearing masks. They are prioritizing corporate profits over public health.…

#COVID #COVID19 #PublicHealth

NEW: New York City has just issued an advisory for everyone to wear a mask in public spaces because COVID levels are high in all 5 boroughs.

#BringBackMasks #COVID #COVID19 #PublicHealth

🗻 #Multnomah County #Oregon officials to public:

😷 #WearAMask indoors until at least Jan 1 as viruses surge

#Portland #PDX #COVID…


Share this article with everyone. It is outstanding

You May Be Early, but You're Not Wrong: A Covid Reading List, by
