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Items tagged with: Psychology

🚀 Finished "Lake of Darkness" by Adam Roberts! 🌌 What a thrilling journey! Imagine 2 trillion humans across the Milky Way with FTL travel, yet no other intelligent life. 🧠📚 The mix of sci-fi, philosophy, and psychology was captivating. Highly recommend for deep thinkers! 💫✨ #SciFi #BookReview #Philosophy #Psychology #AdamRoberts #LakeOfDarkness #MustRead 📖🔭

Can #typos make lies seem less deceptive or make true statements seem less true?

“true statements with grammatical errors and unusual word choices were seen as more deceitful, and lie statements with the same language were seen as less deceptive” and “I discovered a new brain response that is sensitive to the difference between perceived truths and lies.”

Dissertation permalink:…


#ethics #xPhi #decisionScience #neuroscience #psychology #business #communication #linguistics

Hot take: IT security is as much about psychology as it is about cryptography.

#security #psychology

This episode of the "All in the Mind" psychology radio program addresses the cumulative, traumatizing effects of observing images and video of armed conflict in social media.…
#psychology #ArmedConflict #trauma

new essay! not only debunks "trans social contagion" & "gr00ming" charges, but shows how they're linked, and explains the unconscious thinking behind both anti-trans campaigners' obsession with us & the TERF-to-fascist pipeline.

no paywall link, pls share & give it lots of "claps" (up to 50) so other ppl see it!…

#trans #transgender #gay #lesbian #bisexual #LGBTQ #queer #feminism #socialjustice #sex #gender #sexuality #psychology
