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Items tagged with: pubsub

I'm delighted to announce that #Libervia has received a new grant from #NLnet #NGI0 to develop an #email <=> #XMPP gateway.

This project will not only convert normal messages but also transform mailing lists into #pubsub based forums. It includes UI/UX enhancements on Libervia, end-to-end encryption, and advanced handling of attachments.

More at:…

#XMPP #CertWatch said that »[My] settings are correct and no MITM was detected.« That's great.

It then continued with some #PubSub stuff and finally said »If you do not have a pubsub-capable client you can subscribe for text notifications by opening a chat with and sending the message “subscribe <my xmpp server>”«.

My question is now: How do I open a chat with a hostname and not a JID?

My clients are #Gajim resp. #Conversations / #BlabberIM.


#XMPP Summit at #Brussels

We plan to discuss the topics in the following order:

1. #Push
2. #Spaces
3. MAM
4. MUC
5. IN-NG
6. #Jingle / #WebRTC
7. Disco
8. #PubSub
9. NL/EU
10. XMPP Providers
11. #Communications
12. ATM

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