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Items tagged with: HomeLab

💔 Source Control Complaints for Sunday 💔

Observable and Indisputable Facts of Modern Engineering

0. Git is slow + buggy, even on extremely high-end systems
1. Git is over-hyped by cloud-babies
2. Git gets on everyone's nerves, even if they refuse to admit it
3. There are no perfect source control systems
4. Mercurial was better
5. Helix is currently better
6. Subversion, CVS, RCS == Golden Era Migraines

#engineering #softwareengineering #git #linux #freebsd #homelab

I've got an idea. Let's form an IoT company. One that makes really great, high quality, well designed products. You know, ones that don't drop out every time you look at them wrong. We offer them cheap, burning through some VC money.

We will certainly fail. But for one glorious moment, people will know good IoT. And the next time somebody tries to sell them crap, they get beaten to a pulp with their shitty products.

And perhaps then, we will actually get good IoT stuff.

#HomeLab #IoT

This Week in Self-Hosted (19 January 2024)

The latest news (ft. @matrix and @plex), software updates and launches (ft. @doncow #Immich, #Paperless, #PiAlert, and others), a spotlight on #wgeasy, upcoming events, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!…

#selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #homelab #homeserver #opensource #newsletter


Bringing up a #synapse ( stack with,, #elementio, #facebook and #telegram bridges from #mautrix and a bot manager from #maubot, with #dockercompose. My first ever guide!…

#matrixorg #traefik #PostgreSQL #homelab
