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Items tagged with: selfhosting

I'm looking at moving my Nextcloud and Matrix servers to my home network.

Folks with servers on your home network: any suggestions of guides you found helpful, or machines or storage solutions you recommend (or advise against)?

#AskFedi #IndieWeb #SelfHosting

Beim #Selfhosting der #Nextcloud steht mir gerade #IPv6 im Weg. Da es hier kein #DSL gibt, sind wir mit #Telekom #5g verbunden. Eine öffentliche IPv6 haben wir uns schon geklickt. Es gab aber noch nie Berührungspunkte damit. Herausgefunden haben wir schon, dass es sich um eine /64 IPv6 handelt. Wo und wie fängt man denn jetzt sinnvoll an? Als Router kommt eine Fritzbox 6850 zum Einsatz.

Impressive, since switching from gitlab-ci to earthly, pipeline runs with container builds went from >20 minutes down to 3-8 minutes.

What a little bit of better caching can do for you.

It's no longer fully self-hosted, but earthly is trivial to self-host if I want to bother at some point.…

And given earthly hands out 6000 CI minutes for free, it actually cuts cost compared to starting a VM on hetzner or locally.

#earthly #gitlab #selfhosting

nginx (by F5) forked as freenginx by long time core developer Maxim Dounin 👀……

#freenginx #nginx #webdev #selfhosting #opensource

This Week in Self-Hosted (19 January 2024)

The latest news (ft. @matrix and @plex), software updates and launches (ft. @doncow #Immich, #Paperless, #PiAlert, and others), a spotlight on #wgeasy, upcoming events, and more in this week's self-hosted recap!…

#selfhost #selfhosted #selfhosting #homelab #homeserver #opensource #newsletter

@molly0xfff's post on migrating from Substack by self hosting is a master piece in clear communication. This is how you cover a complex issue without glossing over details due to hindsight while also not making the topic sound more daunting. A great example of building stairs and elevators after you've climbed instead of pulling the ladder. Highly recommend reading even if you're not in the newsletter sending game.…

#Substack #SelfHosting #NewsLetter #Ghost

@ErcanErdemArdal Yes, credentials are stored server side with slidge. Although, just to clarify, I am not administrating a public slidge instance. Slidge is a software meant to be installed by XMPP server admins. #selfhosting an #XMPP server is relatively easy and cheap, and that's the option I recommend to anyone that wants to try slidge. Maybe some XMPP servers admins will propose this to their users one day, but right now, all slidge users that I know of are self-hosters.

I was working on Tweetormator, a open source self-hosted solution to tweet scheduling, engagement analysis and evergreen♻️ tweets but that feels dead in the water now.

Or perhaps I could convert it to Tootormator? I'll need to look into the Mastodon API.

#opensource #react #javascript #selfhosting

Cool, even @aral from Small Tech boosted my #Selfhosting poll. Thank you very much, Sir.

Do you selfhost your own email?

If yes, please share your software setup.

Boost is very appreciated.

#Email #Postfix #Dovecot #Thunderbird #Mailcow #IRedMail #Mailinabox #Yunohost #Selfhosting

  • Yes, I selfhost my own email. (38%, 83 votes)
  • No, I don't. (61%, 133 votes)
216 voters. Poll end: 1 year ago

UnifiedPush is a set of specifications and free open source tools to help users get more control over how their phone's (or computers's) notifications are handled. You can follow the project at:

➡️ @unifiedpush

The project website is at

There are options for self-hosting notification systems if needed.

#UnifiedPush #Notifications #PushNotifications #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Smartphones #Phones #Smartphone #Phone #Dev #SelfHosting #Computing

Lemme do another #introduction now that my fediHome is finalised.

Hi. I am also known as @fyrfli@mastodon.coffe.

I am a massive tinkerer and thinkerer ... to a fault. I am re-learning how to build web stuff because the last time I did any of that was back when Geocities was still a thing. (yeah, yeah .. I am dating myself).

I am obsessed with #CSS#FOSS#Debian#SelfHosting#Photography ... and I am "mom" to an American Eskimo or #Eskie (known as a MittelSpitz in the rest of the world), and a "red" Siberian #Husky. I am also an avid #Gamer currently unable to resist a good #RemnantsFromTheAshes session (and those can last all day if I am not careful). I also play #ARK and #WoW.

I hail from Kingston, #Jamaica and and am married with no children.

Since it has been a increase of users lately, I'll follow the stream and #introduce myself 🙂 Better late than never.

My real name is Erik and I live in Sweden. Airikr is the old name of Erik from medieval Sweden.

My main interests are #programming, #photography, #cycling, #astronomy, #exploration, and #history.

I am a big fan of #opensource and #selfhosting and are working on open sourced projects like #serenum.

Since I woke up, and there's new users here, #introduction

I am Joel, #Mexican, 21, studying #Mechatronics but I enjoy learning other things online instead

I like #FOSS and styling my stuff, such as #android, #linux or my #blog

I like meeting new people, my attempts at humor are terrible, my #origami posts get kinda famous, I enjoy getting into new #hobbies

Interests: #gamedev #inkscape #blogging #vim #selfhosting #raspberrypk #coding #podcasts #manga #anime #reading #citypop #daftpunk

If you're skilled with installing software on servers, here is a very comprehensive categorised list of services you can host yourself:…

#SelfHosting #GrowYourOwn #HomeGrown