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Items tagged with: OpenLetter

Gemeinsam mit über 100 europäischen Organisationen und Unternehmen haben wir den #OpenLetter über das universelle Recht, jede Software auf jedem Gerät zu installieren unterzeichnet. Schließt euch uns gerne an:… #Ecodesign #RightToRepair #FreeSoftware

Imagine you could install any software on any device. The devices you own that don't receive updates anymore, or where you found out that the software is full of ads/tracking. You could replace it, maybe with a Linux distro like postmarketOS running mainline. These devices wouldn't need to be electronic waste. We signed @fsfe's #openletter to the EU to make this happen.

You can sign it, too!…

#Ecodesign #RightToRepair #EWWR #FreeSoftware #LinuxMobile #UpcyclingAndroid

📢 📢 📢 Today we publish an Open Letter from developers to the #Linux #community regarding shipping unfinished patches to users.

Shipping unfinished patches harms the user experience and slows down the review process in #FOSS projects to improve the patches.

You can read our Open Letter at:

If you agree with this letter, you can support it by signing it, see:

#donotship #openletter #community #mobile #development #userexperience #opensource #PSA

Today the FSFE publishes an #OpenLetter, co-signed by 38 European organisations and companies to ask #European legislators for the universal right to install any software on any device, including full access to hardware:…

#Ecodesign #RightToRepair #FreeSoftware #UpcyclingAndroid