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Items tagged with: psa

#PSA for F40 silverblue users:

rpm-ostree override replace

gets you mutter/gnome-shell 46.0 without waiting for Fedora to come out of its freeze.


#PSA: It is this time of the year again when you wake up on Sunday morning and notice that all clocks on your kitchen appliances show the wrong time.
Before readjusting them, do something for your electrical safety and TEST YOUR RCDs/GFCIs/FIs - this should be done every month anyway.
Just press the button marked T or TEST and see it turning off. If it does not turn off, have it replaced by an electrician for your own safety.

#PSA: #AuroraStore anonymous login is working again:


📢 📢 📢 Today we publish an Open Letter from developers to the # # regarding shipping unfinished patches to users.

Shipping unfinished patches harms the user experience and slows down the review process in # projects to improve the patches.

You can read our Open Letter at:

If you agree with this letter, you can support it by signing it, see:

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