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Items tagged with: openscience

Hello #FOSS folks!

Outreachy is seeking #OpenSource and #OpenScience communities to mentor Outreachy interns in the May 2024 cohort.
Read more:…

The application deadline for FOSS communities to apply is Feb. 15, 2024, at 4 p.m. UTC.

Do apply now:

#DiversityinTech #Outreachy #Community

I am super excited about this mini-conference on #reproducibility in #linguistics that I am organising this evening: Four of my M.A. students will be reporting on their attempts to reproduce the results of four published quantitative linguistics papers for which the data is available, but not the code!

Colleagues, they have *a lot* of things to report! So, if you're in the area (Cologne), do come along! There will be #ReproducibiliTea and Christmas biscuits! 🍵 🍪 #OpenScience

In Spain we're having major changes in the rules for the evaluation of research activities (in the public sector, our research merits are evaluated every six years, a "sexenio". #ANECA, the evaluation agency, opened a public consultation about their draft for their new rules, which advance in the consideration of #OpenScience practices, including #FreeSoftware

Here are my contributions to that consultation (in Spanish)…

Any comment or suggestion will be appreciated

Are you an international lawyer? Do you spend way too much time googling treaties? Have a look at this searchable #OpenAccess PDF collection of treaties and legal documents, sorted into folders by subject matter!

Direct Download (ZIP):…

Detailed description:

#InternationalLaw #Law #LawFedi #UnitedNations #HumanRights #HumanitarianLaw #OpenData #OpenScience @law @politicalscience @humanrights

Update. The #EuropeanCouncil just adopted the #OpenScience proposal anticipated earlier this month (this thread, above). No #embargoes. No #APCs. #Nonprofit publishing. #OpenLicenses. #OpenInfrastructure.…

While this is not yet policy, it's a weighty recommendation to the Commission and member states.

This issue was a tough one to publish, but I need you to know: If you're struggling in #academia, you are not alone. 🫶

Please share with anyone who needs to hear this.

I quit academia and I don't regret it at all.
In the post I am sharing why I am happier and feel like I am doing more for the scientific community outside of academia.

#academiclife #openscience #academicchatter #ichbinhanna…

I just had whatever the opposite of 'future shock' is - I stumbled upon a telescope proposal from 2001 and I wondered if the #latex would compile - of course it did, and the proposal looked exactly as it should have.

In related news, I wrote my thesis in Word 98 and the next version refused to open one of my chapters for no obvious reason.

Plain text and openly documented image formats are definitely the way to future proof your work.... #astrodon #opensource #openscience #TeXLaTeX

FediScience and other Mastodon communities are growing fast. This is good for #OpenScience, this is our kind of system. So worth reading is: "How to Leave Dying Social Media Platforms".……

Hence this question: what kind of #reproducibility, if not “ultimate”, would you like for your research?


So, I've heard it's good to #introduce myself as I'm #newhere.

I teach and advise researchers on #researchdatamanagement and #datasharing in the #socialsciences. I'm also interested in everything research data infrastructure related and everything to help advance an #openscience culture. Happy to answer your questions! 🤓

#neuhier #introduction


Hi everyone! My name is Christian Spannagel. I'm a professor for mathematics and computer science education at Heidelberg University of Education. I am interested in many things :), especially in the inverted classroom method (#flipclass), #itstuff, #sustainability, and #openscience.

Posting from the persona of my day job as a research scientist studying #adolescence, early life #adversity, and #cognition using intensive #longitudinal designs and #fMRI.

I'm mostly a methods and scientific #computing nut with a strong streak of scientific #critique and desire to improve scientific practice including #OpenScience and #philosophyofscience.

I think a more just society is possible. I think improving adolescent #wellbeing depends on expanding opportunities.


Here's an #introduction.

I'm an ecologist currently based in Gothenburg, Sweden. At work I try to find out how plant communities are affected by changes in climate, what that means for ecosystem functioning under climate change, and whether we can already see signs of changes in habitats that have been monitored for a long time. #Openscience is important to me.

I love cycling and the outdoors🚴, all the species🌱🦇🦢🐌🦋, and playing nintendo :n64:

Looking forward to meeting new people!