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Items tagged with: toolbx

Starting tomorrow we have a series of Test Days coming for different projects. Maybe contribute with testing for the ones that pique your interest?

* Mar 20-26: @Podman_io Desktop (for Windows and macOS as well)
* Mar 21-26: Podman 5
* Mar 25 - Apr 1: Fedora CoreOS
* Mar 27: (Toolbx) @containertoolbx

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#Podman #CoreOS #Toolbx #FedoraCoreOS #Fedora #DevOps #CloudNative #Linux #OpenSource

I'm experimenting with running my whole #swaywm desktop from a user #podman #container on top of e.g. #Fedora IoT. Works surprisingly well already.

The only dealbreaker is that the container does not receive kernel uevents, i.e. it does not see any kind of hw change. It already uses --network=host and bind-mounts /dev.This is also broken in standard #toolbx. Does anybody know a trick to get that?

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