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Items tagged with: lego

#Lego made a Video to explain to kids why they track them. How do you feel about this?

#privacy #PrivacyMatters

  • Oh, nice and educational (26%, 90 votes)
  • WTF that’s damn creepy 🤬 (73%, 246 votes)
336 voters. Poll end: 4 months ago

Neat! A system that allows blind and visually impaired people to build Lego sets independently: #blind #vi #lego #a11y

Let’s do a proper #introduction. I am Slothdude, a hobbyist #sloth #artist. I used to draw sloths on an app called #DrawQuest until it shut down, and then for a while drew sloth portraits of people on another app called French Girls until that shut down, too. Now I draw sloths wherever I can, usually with an iPad app #Procreate. I do slothified versions of fine #art as well as cartoons and #fanart. I am also a #lego enthusiast.
I can be found under the handle @dqslothdude on the bird site.