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Items tagged with: apache

We now understand why permissive #licensing is bad for #FOSS.

#Redis taught us why #GPL is important and #MIT, #Apache, #BSD etc allow corporations to enclose and steal our contributions.

#Israel's use of #Lavender for targeting in #Gaza, which may also use the code we donated to the commons, shows that we need to be more restrictive if we want to avoid assisting war crimes and probable #genocide.

I hope some lawyers are on this, and will help us add exclusions to protect from such use.

Apache Pekko has left the incubator phase and is now a top-level project.…

That's great news! Pekko was created as a Fork of Akka 2.6, right after Lightbend chose to pull a bait-and-switch by relicensing Akka to a non-FOSS license.

I have already switched to Pekko a few months ago, it went very smooth, and I am grateful to everybody involved in making this happen.

#opensource #pekko #akka #scala #java #licensing #apache #foss

In case you have not already had enough of the "HTTP/2 Rapid Reset" attack (remember? last week?), here is my blog on the situation and history in Apache httpd:…
#apache #httpd #h2reset

Apache httpd 2.4.58 has been released:

My summary of the changes I made:…

Thanks to all the people who helped!
#apache #httpd

In the next weeks I will be working on adding HTTP/2 WebSockets to Apache httpd, sponsored by the friendly people from 🎉
#apache #websockets

I am excited to see the efforts behind and perhaps it can spark momentum for even more settler allyship. #NotYourMascot #Apache

Let me share some of the things I have learned about being a better settler ally in support of reconciliation and #LandBack:

@Hypolite Petovan I have setup a local #Apache and added an entry to /etc/hosts to point to my local machine. Then in a /etc/apache2/sites-available/friendica.conf I setup a virtual host on that host name and even setup a self-signed SSL certificate so I can run #Friendica locally. To be able to receive mails locally, as I have #Linux running here, I had to a bit patch Friendica to disable a regex check on the entered email address. Now when I want to locally federate with e.g. #GNUSocial I just have to repeat above steps and I remember I was able to setup "remote" follow between these two local instances. For Windows users, there is #WinAMP around for a very long time, including #Mercury mail server so you could be able to repeat it even on Windows.