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Items tagged with: canPoli

#Fediverse #OpenSocialWeb #Mastodon #Canada #CanPoli
This morning I got a response Letter (by email) from the Speakers Office of the House of Commons of Canada in response to the Open Letter* so many of you all signed back in June!

Here is Speaker Fergus’ letter in full. Reply with what you think we should do next to encourage MPs and Parliamentarians to ask for this!
Dear Mr. Alemany:

Thank you for your letter and proposal concerning Open Social Web.

Many Members, their staff, members of the Press Gallery and Canadians use social networks as a primary tool for consuming news, sharing stories of interest or to comment on news or information. The House of Commons established a presence on social networks in 2017, with a consistent branding, to share information and, critically, to provide Members increased and mobile access to relevant parliamentary information so that they may share this information with their social media followers.

Although the creation of an Open Social Web would present a promising opportunity with several advantages for the House of Commons, as enumerated in your letter, it also brings numerous challenges and risks to the organization (e. g. extensive engagement from many stakeholders, adoption of specialized and secure infrastructure and the need for content moderation and curation).

To date, we have had no requests for this type of service from Members. This would be a substantial undertaking that would require direction and approval from the Board of Internal Economy (BOIE) before being considered for prioritization and implementation. Even if mandated to offer such a service, we would be unable to ensure its adoption and widespread use among parliamentarians.

Thank you for your interest, and please be assured of our continuous support for more open, secure, engaging and informative multi-channel experiences for our users.

Hon. Greg-Fergus, P.C., M.P

*Open Letter:…
cc: @Paulatics

Just fork the freak right off, Singh! That money goes *back* to the working people, or decreases taxes. I got $840 back this year. It should be higher. #CanPoli #CdnPoli

It’s official, my employer, a public university has filed a suit in BC Supreme Court against a student who is the “leader” of the PSE protest encampment on campus. She is an international student, a visible minority… and now the target of an expensive lawsuit by a broke University against its students.

(Edit: *students)

What an incredibly sad day.…

@chly1017fm @CBCNews
@akurjata @davidakin @Jade
#bcpoli #cdnpoli #UniversityProtests #canpoli #israel #gaza

You boosted my protest sign where I called Canada Action LIARS for their cross-Canada “LNG will reduce global emissions” ad campaign. Now please boost this!

It turns out after immediate questions were raised last year, the Canada ad regulating agency agreed in January the campaign was misleading. But all decisions are CONFIDENTIAL and there is NO enforcement! The decision was finally leaked.
Spread the word!
#climateAction #disinformation #climateChange #canPoli #cdnpoli…

Hey friends! is now open for signups 🎉🇨🇦❤️

@andrew and I built it as a hosted-in-Canada, capital-region-focused (but open to all Canadians) instance.

Please boost so folks can find us! 👀

#fediverse #twittermigration #canada #ontario #ottawa #canpoli