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Items tagged with: AudioMo

On March 12, 2011, I was (virtually) introduced to a sugar glider through a Twitter follower. The "crabbing" sound it made got me thinking about how it would sound if a mutant sugar glider went on a destructive rampage. Since I didn't have a mutant sugar glider on-hand, I did the next best thing, and this happened.
Meet Killer Sidney, the godzilla of formerly small creatures... or something like that.

Welcome to Penn Station, NYC. It's about 6:50 AM on March 3, 2019, and I'm waiting for a train to North Carolina. I recorded a few minutes of the station ambiance with my iPhone 8 and Shure MV88.

#AudioMo: Here are a collection of animal sounds from #ZSL London Zoo, recorded on May 22 and June 14 2017, respectively.
When you hear the Macaw parrots repeated, this is the second recording.

you know, if your gonna squish a flac I upload into mp3, you could do me the pleasure of letting me upload the wav so you could at least turn that lossy instead you useless jerk. sigh, #annoyed #audiomo #mastodon.

so for #audiomo, day 18, I know I haven't posted a lot on the hashtag recently, but I found this while digging through some old files, Originally recorded with yours truly on the piano, 11/17/2015. I had to flac it to get it to upload, but have an instrumental of only hope by Mandy Moore. I've got a couple more in I'm gonna save for days 19 and 20. but enjoy. If I had the access and the room to setup, I'd probably play like this again.

#AudioMo: Playing Piano in Battersea Power Station - 15 Jun 2023:…

#AudioMo Continuing with the idea of existing without saying much, let's go back to a Sunday afternoon in October of 2009, as I'm with my father in his 1965 Ford F100 pickup truck with a NASCAR race on the radio... Well, mostly commercials, actually.
Recorded with a Zoom H4 and it's built-in X/Y microphones.

#AudioMo: I'm on the way to Cambridge on what appears to be either an old, or just very noisy train, I'm not sure which. All I know is that the thing is clunky and sounds like it's falling to bits around me.

#AudioMo: Some time in 2001 I caught a particular episode of the British Soap #EastEnders on a VHS tape. One part stood out to me as highly amusing, so I rewound that bit and recorded it. It makes a great critical stop sound, and amuses me to this day. You might go so far as to call it a 'Critical Dot' sound, as the character who got scared by the dog is called Dot.

#AudioMo: Yesterday we had two quite lengthy thunderstorms pass through, so I took the best bangs I could find from the outside stream and put them into one file back-to-back so you don't have to listen to two hours of audio. Let's see how this goes.…

#AudioMo On the afternoon of November 7, 2014, I was at Clearwater Beach, Florida, when I decided to stand in the surf with my Zoom H6 and it's X/Y microphone capsules, and recorded a few minutes of the ocean waves.
It wasn't a particularly nice day, kind of overcast, windy and a bit cold for the time of year.

Hello, #Audiomo. For day 12, I'm putting up a short, and I do mean really short file proving that we have too many Googles. Here's what happens when our net goes down, and this really catches only about half of them.

So, we have an often odd family. #Audiomo day 11 is only one example of this. In 2019, Marc had a thing. Every time we went shopping, we had to stop at the chickens, You know, the rubber squeaky ones? And he'd squeak all of them. We went shopping a lot that year. This is from October 2019 when @Tammy, Kat, Marc and I were at Walmart. This is, oddly, not the only squeaky chicken file you'll hear this month. Lol. I recorded this on my Pixel 2.

#AudioMo: Welcome to the Shift R trick.
I play stuff, I shift R it, I hope it’s OK.

This is a track-stack with two Keyscape sounds, the Double Felt Grand, and the Dulcitone.
Shift R in #Logic is basically like the capture option in #Ableton, IE: even when the transport is stopped, it will capture what you recorded and add it to the focused MIDI track. Doesn't work with audio.

#AudioMo: I present a 21-minute medley from my gig last Sunday in The Camden Club in London.
A Grenadian singer called Jonathan first performed one of his own tracks, then segwayed into a variety of other tracks, all whilst the house-band consisting of drums, bass, guitar and keys, kept the music going. Jonathan was also joined by a variety of other singers throughout the recording.
#Bass: Ryan W.
#Guitar: Titus M.
#Drums: Alex D.
#Keys: Andre L…

You never know when strange noises will happen in your neighborhood.
Here is a selection of some slightly unusual things I have captured over the last few years that don't quite fit the description of normal, everyday activity.

#AudioMo: The sound of a Track Stack, in which you take two or more MIDI instruments and stack them together like a musical sandwich so that the sounds combine together to form a new hole:

Here is one of my favorite field recordings from this day in 2007.
This was done with a home-made Jecklin disc, an Edirol R1, and a pair of modified Panasonic WM-61 microphones. Lots of editing to comp for broken things.
The image is somewhere between binaural and a spaced omni pair, so headphones are recommended, but it works better on speakers than binaural.
Starts with wind and rain, then thunder. Very loud clap at 5:46.…

Today's #AudioMo is more of a #Music thing actually, and comes from #Jamulus which is an online realtime jamming tool to allow people in different places to make music with each other. In this instance, Alf, the bass player is a few hundred miles from me also in the UK, Martin (guitar) is in The Netherlands, Phil (other guitarist) is near brighton, Mag (drummer) is in Germany and I'm playing Rhodes in London.
This perspective was captured by Alf.
For more information about Jamulus, check out

For today's #AudioMo, an FM band-scan from my SIHUADON D808 portable radio. I'm sitting in the garden with the sun beating down on me and it's a very nice day outside.
Capturing this recording using my #Zoom H1N recorder and a patch-cable, then editing all the nasty clicks and pops out between stations, as this radio has a very nasty habit of clicking as it picks up the next station.…

I'll have a few clips for #AudioMo this month, but to start with, both clips I'm posting in a thread were actually recorded today, so apologies. This first is a game on #Steam called 'The Vale' and I'm showing about 11 minutes of game-play, complete with my phone going off in the background. I'm hopefully not spoiling it necessarily, just doing a side-quest. Maybe it will persuade some of you to give it a go. You can listen direct in your client of choice, or by using the link to the audio file, as you wish.
I shall consider this post to be day 1:…

Can't promise I'll keep on doing it every day as I'm not sure I'll have enough material but here goes my first attempt at the #AudioMo challenge: have a French talking watch found at the Braille Shop in Brussels, Belgium. It's your standard talking watch, round with its ttiny rubber buttons placed between the watch face and the wristband in the shape of the Braille letter R. In the recording the time is announced twice, then I somehow clicked through different modes like, I believe, stop watch and alarm, then I switched it to the 12-hour format and back to 24 again. Enjoy!
