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Items tagged with: Media

#KeithDavidson’s testimony exhumes a decade’s worth of #CelebritySleaze.

Payments from…Charlie Sheen to keep women silent. Rumors…Lindsay Lohan was in rehab. A lawsuit by Hulk Hogan…against the gossip website Gawker for publishing a tape of him having sex.
Testimony…at the #TrumpTrial…dove deeply into the #celebrity-obsessed #media environment…that helped fuel #Trump’s rise to political prominence.

Dr. Robert Browning is the next witness. He is a Purdue professor focusing on #Congress & the #media, he is also the head of #CSPAN archives. He says he was compelled to testify.

#Trump #TrumpTrial #law #contempt #criminal

Buried here: "Vox Media’s technology news publication The Verge says it also has plans to federate its own site to have more ownership over its content and audience." #Media


Give the people the full picture

via @rbreich
#Media #Inflation #Profits #AltText

I noticed a reference to this article on Slashdot.
My own general approach is not to post commentary on the news. If I find discussions that are more interesting than what I generally encounter in the mainstram media, I may post a reference.
My main source of news at the moment is the BBC World Service, supplemented by various podcasts, often Deep State Radio:
and online reading - generally reputable media outlets.
#news #media #SocialMedia

The #media is playing with fire again. What is this whole stuff about Trump winning the election against Biden if they were matched up again? I mean, on what basis would Trump win the election? OK, I get people are unhappy about inflation and such, but how would they expect Trump to fix any of it?

30 years ago, one decision altered the course of our connected world

On April 30, 1993, the World Wide Web was released into the public domain. It revolutionized the internet and allowed users to create websites filled with graphics, audio and hyperlinks.


#technology #npr #news #press #media #independent #usa

Mediaite right wing writer Isaac Schorr misread the Twitter account @joinmastodon as "John Mastodon," and referred to him as the founder of the platform in his article #tech #twitter #twittermigration #twitterexodus #news #media