Items tagged with: PWLC
Well, not the happiest intro but I’l cut/paste this here while I still remember then add a proper intro spoons allowing..⬇️
Please #boost and share to other platforms spoons allowing.
Seems I’m desperate enough to go to the media for help. Yes, the trapped woman in the article below is me.
My story:…
More info on how to help::…
I’ve tried every level of government and they simply won’t help. Please ask people if they have a spare room or somewhere to go. Maybe you have somewhere?
Is anybody a #DisabilityAdvocate? #SocialWorker? Need help.
Please don’t give me contacts for domestic violence orgs. They don’t help disabled people with housing & only offer counselling. Also, that list of disability advocates going around for #Melbourne #Australia (where I am) is outdated - there aren’t any in my catchment. So I’m looking for volunteers with some background.
Thanks for reading
#PwME #LongCovid #MECFS #Hypothyroidism #ChronicIllness #Neisvoid #NacissisticAbuse ##Housing #Dysautonomia #SocialWork #MedMastodon #PWLC #MutualAid
#HumanRights #Press
@mecfs @chronicillness @neisvoid
@disability @disabilityjustice @socialwork @dyssupport
(If I’ve broken any rules in posting this, please let me know.)