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Items tagged with: boost

Looking for participants for my son’s #linguistics dissertation on #language online and the movement of words from the internet into #EnglishLanguage #Scots #AmericanEnglish etc... ‘The aim of this #research is to broaden our understanding of how language is spread throughout the #internet, and into the #offline world’. Please #boost for attention: form should take around 15 minutes to complete and is live until the end of July.

Looking for participants for my son’s #linguistics dissertation on #language online and the movement of words from the internet into #EnglishLanguage #Scots #AmericanEnglish etc... ‘The aim of this #research is to broaden our understanding of how language is spread throughout the #internet, and into the #offline world’. Please #boost for attention: form should take around 15 minutes to complete and is live until the end of July.

Does anyone have experience hosting using iCloud email with their own domain? Please #boost

Would really appreciate a response to this #poll! The lunula is the little white half moon at the base of your fingernail, next to the cuticle. Would you please count yours and tell me how many you have? I'm looking for more data points.

Please #boost for broader reach! Thank you!

  • 0 (6%, 116 votes)
  • 1 (4%, 75 votes)
  • 2 (17%, 308 votes)
  • 3 (6%, 118 votes)
  • 4 (8%, 157 votes)
  • 5 (7%, 132 votes)
  • 6 (11%, 196 votes)
  • 7 (7%, 137 votes)
  • 8 (11%, 195 votes)
  • 9 (4%, 71 votes)
  • 10 (14%, 253 votes)
1758 voters. Poll end: 3 days ago

Opět zkusím sílu Mastodonu! 😀

Neb jsme takový národ chatařů. Máte chatu? Nebo váš známý? Pronajímáte ji? A nebo prostě máte jenom dobrý tip? V @sagittaras hledáme pěkné místo pro teambuilding v termínu 23.8. - 25.8.

Kapacita alespoň pro 11 lidí, stačí nám hezké posezení venku s grilem, a společenská místnost, která nemá jen obyčejné židle. Obrovské plus je bazén. Potěší nás také stůl na pinčes. Specifikum lokality v navazujícím tootu.

Za #boost vás nesežere nadcházející vlna veder.

Heute ist #Sehbehindertentag

Anlässlich dessen starte ich einen Aufruf an die internationale #Linux und #FOSS Entwicklungsgemeinde

Sehr gerne #boost :BoostOK:

Egal, ob ihr an der Entwicklung einer Linux- oder #BSD-Distribution beteiligt seid oder ob ihr #OpenSource-Programme programmiert:
Bitte geht auf blinde, sehbehinderte, motorisch eingeschränkte #Menschen zu und bindet sie mit in die Entwicklung ein.
Holt euch Feedback ein, ob eure #Software vollumfänglich zB mit einem #Screenreader nutzbar ist, oder welche Herausforderungen dabei bestehen.

Am Beispiel dieses Threads von @WestphalDenn , der hier beschreibt, welche Beeinträchtigungen er für seinen Anwendungsfall Audio-Bearbeitung erlebt (und warum er zurück zu Windows wechselt, was ja nicht im Sinne von FOSS-Enthusiast*innen sein kann, oder?)…

#Barrierefreiheit #blind #Behinderung #Inklusion

Kürzlich den #NUC, der am TV als Medienabspieler dient, von #Linux auf #Windows umgezogen.

* Deutlich besserer Sound (natürlichere Sprachwiedergabe und der sprichwörtliche vorhang ist weg)
* Medienserver und Player auf dem selben Gerät führt nicht mehr zu 80 % Auslastung des Systems
* Barrierefreiheit ist um ein Vielfaches besser. Selbst bei diesem Anwendungsgebiet

* Fragwürdiger Datenschutz
* Kein Open-Source-betriebssystem


Please Help Make #PKM and #obsidian accessible to #blind and #partiallysighted users!

If you haven't already, please #boost this post and 💟 these feature requests:

#accessibility #pleaseboost

I really appreciate the boosts regarding this important #accessibility issue within the #pkm community.

If you use #ObsidianMD please 💟 these feature requests and make #obsidian usable for #blind and #partiallysighted users.


You might have your sight now, but what if you lost it one day? How would you cope without screen reader support?

#boost #pleaseboost

Das Escape Game hat die örtliche #Feuerwehr geteilt und ich würde empfehlen, dass Ihr das alle mal macht. Ist nämlich echt lehrreich!

Task: Kannst Du einem Wohnungsbrand in 120 Sekunden entkommen?

(Es funktioniert auch ohne - hoffentlich nicht verbrannte - Cookies hervorragend und ist sehr gut mit Smartphone steuerbar)

#Boost ausdrücklich erwünscht weil das ist WICHTIG.

Edit: Link jetzt ohne Facebook. Sorry!…

Fedi creatures will boost anything gay.

Fedi creatures will boost anything fox-related.

How do you feel about a gay fox?

:blobfox3c: ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 :blobfox3c:

#gay #fox #boost #JustForFunsies

So I wrote a blog post for the first time in 5 years, warning about hcaptcha's accessibility account. Long story short, they banned me from the accessibility account because I'm not blind. I am blind, but well, they seem to think not. Please boost, share, etc since this seriously affects me, and it's not ok at all. You can read the full blog post here:

#blind #hcaptcha #a11y #accessibility #boost

**Wo bleiben die Universitäten im Fediverse?**

Warum betreiben Universitäten nicht schon längst eigene Mastodon-Instanzen?

Warum bekommen Studierende nicht mit der Immatrikulation auch einen Mastodon-Handle?

Warum hosten Universitäten Vorlesungsvideos nicht über PeerTube im Fediverse?

Es gibt einiges, das für ein stärkeres Engagement von Universitäten im Fediverse spricht.

Ein Aufruf den man nur unterstützen kann! #boost
#fediverse #university @leonido…

To all the indie devs out there:

In case you didn't know, I make open source indie games for the blind and visually impared. This means I need high quality sound effects. I'm wondering if any of you fine people have good resources on finding creative commens, and similar, freely usable sound effects that I could put in the repo with my code? I'd love to learn more about that.

For the record, I know about, and have even used them on occasion, but finding anything remotely useable on there can be a chore and a half. Contrasted to the simple search and filtering on something like, say, audio jungle. Tips would be greatly appreciated!

Please #boost if you have any game dev following... Thanks!

#indiedev #creativecommens

I've been posting some videos of slay the spire to my peertube channel (…), and I'd like some input on other games people would like to see me play. To that end, I've attached a pole to vote on, which will help me prioritize what I make next. Don't worry, slay the spire will continue to be played too :-) Note I will accept suggestions for games to show off, but I can only play a game if it's accessible to the blind, or otherwise has a mod to make it so, so keep that in mind. As much as I'd love to play FFVI, for example, I just can't. Please vote and #boost if you are able.

  • Grizly Gulch: audio only, western/wild west, historic audiogame from 1999 (0 votes)
  • Chillingham, puzzle/spooky, audio only, historic audiogame from 2004 (0 votes)
  • Stardew Valley, country life/farming simulator, videogame with accessibility mod (1 vote)
  • System fault, basic graphics and audio, endless robot shooter with mazes, based on the arcade game berzerk (1 vote)
  • Onslaight, basic graphics and audio, asteroids-like game (0 votes)
  • Doom, video game with toby doom accessibility mod and map packs (0 votes)
  • doom coop, same as above but I play accessible doom with some friends cooperatively (0 votes)
  • Doom deathmatch (soon!), first look at accessible doom deathmatch maps from the toby doom mod creator (0 votes)
  • Crazy Party, audio only arcade games and card battles (1 vote)
  • Fantacy Story II, graphics and audio, jrpg game for blind and sighted alike (1 vote)
  • Bladius, nebulous graphics and audio, deckbuilder, fighting game (0 votes)
  • Periphery Synthetic EP, nebulous graphics and audio, sound exploration game where you pilot an exosuit through two planets, upgrading the suit and find historical artifacts. (0 votes)
  • SoundRTS, audio only, real time strategy game (0 votes)
  • SoundRTS multiplayer (see above) (0 votes)
  • A hero's call, audio only rpg about rescuing a battered land (0 votes)
  • Bokurano Daibouken 3, audio only side scrolling jrpg (0 votes)
  • ESP Pinball (classic, extreme, and party pack), audio only pinball game with themed tables (0 votes)
  • Interceptor, audio only turn based space combat (0 votes)
  • Sequence storm, video game, rhythm based racing with built in accessibility (0 votes)
  • Silver Dollar, audio only basic arcade game, slot machine, shooting flying dishes, and beat em up (0 votes)
Poll end: 7 months ago

Here it is. The latest track I’ve released, and the first video clip I’ve ever done. It is, of course, Space Pop (feat. Kaaren Elizabeth Smith).

Kaaren is a long time friend who I used to co-host a weekly karaoke night with, at a small town bar called The Reef back in the 90’s!!

One of the goals of the Dgar Project is to write new songs, and record them with friends that I have some kind of music related history with. When I got the opportunity to record with Kaaren, I took it.

Kaaren, on the day, was amazing. I sent her a demo of the track to practice and listen to a week earlier. She did some really quirky takes. It’s all her voice too. There’s no auto-tune. There’s no pitch correction. It’s all her. So much fun.

The “doo doo doos” she does was originally a melody I played on a distorted electric guitar. On one of the takes she does these “doo doo doos” over the riff. It just sounds so cool, I replaced my guitar track with her vocals.

I also hope you enjoy my #Blender project that makes the video in all its 8 frames-per-second glory!

Please enjoy the #scifi #Dgar #indie #cult #musicvideo Space Pop (feat. Kaaren Elizabeth Smith!

Please find and give the song a “favourite” on your preferred streaming platform if you enjoy it.

Add Space Pop to a playlist!
#Boost #Follow #Favourite
Or don’t. I’m not your boss.

Thanks for all your support! 🙏
I love you all!! 🫶

What was your first app that you downloaded on your iPhone/Android? Mine was TouchTerm SSH in April 2009!
#iPhone #apps #boost

Krásný den přátelé #fediverse a naší instance. Aktualizoval jsem Nyní naleznete ve svém profilu, záložku My Portfolio.
#opensource #pixelfed #czech #boost

The domain automatically creates mirroring #Mastodon #bot accounts upon any #Twitter handles put into their search field, without authorization by the original Twitter profile owners.

I doubt, this is #legal, under EU law at least & find it highly #disturbing, that anybody can create bot accounts referring to others, who are neither aware of this nor authorized this in person.


Please boost, so mastoadmins can take action.

#mastoadmin #followerpower #boost

Direct Messages on Mastodon are probably one of the most confusing things for new users as they aren't really like messages on other platforms.

I have done my best to explain what they are in a few minutes for you all here. Check it out and let me know if it helps.
More tips still to come so stay tuned.

Please give it a #boost if you can to help spread the knowledge around the Fediverse. :ablobcatrave:

#FediTips #twittermigration #youtube #DirectMessages #DMs

I love seeing all the new members joining the platform, but this does mean that with more people, you may feel the need to #mute or #block an account on #Mastodon. That is fine, your experience on this platform should be dictated by you and you alone.
So, I made this short guide to help you better navigate how to use this feature.

Please give it a #boost if you can to help spread the knowledge around the Fediverse.:ablobcatrave:

#FediTips #MastodonTips #YouTube

A little known feature of #Mastodon is the ability to create your own personal notes about an account.
This is a great way to potentially remind yourself why you follow particular accounts (or just about any other reason you can think of).

Also, these notes are private. The account does not know what you have written down, nor the fact that you have even made these notes.

Please #boost to help spread the knowledge around your networks. ☺️
#MastodonTips #Feditips #Notes

I'm going to #boost this a bit, to at least broaden its reach. Likes/favorites don't play into an algorithm here (thank goodness) and don't help visibility, and not all servers are federated (and some federated feeds are firehoses anyway).

@bookstodon, if you're tired of having to throw out still perfectly working #tech that suffers #PlannedObsolescence only because the closed-system software bricks them, check out this #petition.

Same to artists everywhere, @Curator.

The official Mastodon app seems to have a bug when posting an image. Sometimes it will let you compose the post but when you add the image, the Publish button is greyed out. There are other apps that are good, for example, Metatext and Toot! on iOS, and Tusky on Android.
There is an Advanced web interface that looks like Tweetdeck. You can enable it in Settings, Appearance.
Putting plain text into the 'Search or paste URL' box at the top left of the web interface shows results from your own posts or posts that you have boosted, favourited, or been mentioned in. You can also search for user names, display names, and hashtags located in the body of posts. Putting a hashtag into a Content Warning doesn't work. It won't be clickable and might not be searchable unless someone else has used it in the body of a post.
If you find a post on another Mastodon instance and want to boost it on your own instance, click the … menu and then Copy Link. Go back to your own instance, paste the link into the Search box and press Enter. The post will appear below the Search box, and you can boost it from there.
You can create Filters to block posts containing certain pieces of text from being displayed in your Home feed. If you want, the filter can hide the post behind a Content Warning so that you can decide whether to view it or not.
In the Advanced web interface, you can search for a hashtag, click the result and it will appear in its own column. You can then click the column settings icon at the top right and Pin the column. You can add more tags to the same column, if you like.
If you boost a post and the author edits it, you will get a notification so that you know that it has been edited.
It's the custom on Mastodon that if you're posting about Mastodon itself, you put a context warning (CW) of "Meta" so that people's timelines aren't flooded with things they don't want or need to see. Likewise, posts about Twitter can be hidden behind a CW: Twitter (or birdsite, birbsite, hellsite, tw). "CW: meta, bird" should be an obvious one.
When you're writing hashtags that are a combination of several words, please use "camel case" (#CamelCase) so that screenreaders used by people with impaired vision can pronounce them properly.
Mastodon has its own thread unroller:…
If you go into Settings in Mastodon's web interface and click on Other, you'll see a list of languages at the bottom which you can use to control which posts you'll see.
This works well if you select which language your own posts are in. If you make a post in a different language from your default, select that language using the button at the bottom of the edit box before you post. This way, it can be filtered out on other people's feeds if they choose not to see posts in that language.
When posting images, please add Alt Text. This allows sight-impaired people using screenreaders to know what is in the pictures. Let's keep the Fediverse friendly to everyone.
Please use a strong password to log in to your server. If you haven't already done so, make sure you have activated 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) in your Settings. This will keep you and everyone else safe. There are a number of good 2FA apps available in the Apple and Google app stores. In fact, iCloud Keychain on an Apple device can be used to generate 2FA keys. See this article for details:…

#MetaText #Toot #iOS #Android #Tweetdeck #searching #hashtags, #ContentWarning #filters, #boost #notification #meta #CamelCase #ThreadUnroller #languages #AltText #security

#JoinFediverseWiki is almost ready for it's official launch in 8 days.

Right now I'm gathering feedback from people who are not deep into the Fediverse yet.
What you can do to help:
* #boost this post.
* show the wiki to your non-fedizen friends and forward me their feedback.
* of course you can give me feedback yourself even if you're a Fediverse veteran.
* help edit the wiki. For now I wrote almost everything myself.

Happy holidays everybody. 🎉

#JoinFediverse #JoinTheFediverse #FediverseWiki