Items tagged with: MutualAid


Items tagged with: MutualAid


$595/2000 DUE TODAY

please help my #disabled #Indigenous friend & her family survive. she been helping her daughter & grandson escape domestic violence. she has to pay a $100 late fee for every day she is late on rent & she's already received a water shut off notice. you can buy her #art and #jewelry below!

- Cashapp/Venmo: kiagbear

⭐ you can get handmade art or a short story collection or an email with file storage space for donating to her here:

@mutualaid #MutualAid #native #nativeArt #MutualAidRequest #beads #beading #design #creativeNatives #beadwork #parent #mom #onlineShop #SmallBusiness #cute #handmade #MastoArt #creativeToots #FediGiftShop #FediArt #OriginalArt #sciFi #specFic #fiction #artist #asexual #LGBTQIA #SFF #prints #cyanotype #photography #shortStory #queerMutualAid

March Goal: 85/$500
I'm disabled & queer, living in extreme poverty. I'm in URGENT need of food, hygiene, medication, clothing, etc. Disability benefits aren't enough to ensure survival or comfort.
Ko-Fi supporters get regular updates.
Wish List:…
#MutualAid #Help #DisabilityCrowdfund

March Goal: 0/$500
I'm disabled & queer, living in extreme poverty. I'm in URGENT need of food, hygiene, medication, clothing, etc. Disability benefits aren't enough to ensure survival or comfort.
Ko-Fi supporters get regular updates.
Wish List:…
#MutualAid #DisabilityCrowdfund #Poverty #Help #DonateNow

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"It takes a village, but not everyone is in your village. That's ok.

Cobble your village together from the smoldering wreckage of the city or country around you.

This is the essence of mutual aid and will be more crucial than ever. Mutual aid isn't just giving money to the friend whose city burnt down before yours.

Share your knowledge. Share your wisdom & your fears. Share your compassion. Share your joy and your tears. Share your skills & yes, even your bills."
#JoanMastodon #TTJ

#ResInt #Kropotkin #MutualAid #Anarchism #AntifaAF #AnarchoSyndicalism #Village

@MutualAidNet While I have been at my new job fore just over 6 months, and most often I now make just enough to cover myself, this last paycheck was bearly over %$100. THank you arctic weather keeping people safe at home. The downside to this is that I only had a couple of clients this pay period, and not near enough to cover bills, groceries, etc.
Due to this, I am in need of at least 200-250 dollars to cover bills for the next week or so until my benefits hit.
1)$270 for gas bill, of which 132.19 is past due and needs to be paid by the 28th or I get disconnected. The 132.19 is included in the amount listed; the rest would be for the current bill. 2) the rest is for other miscellaneous expenses that may come in after the gas bill comes due. Some this includes shared ride services that I, as a totally blind individual, have had to take to get to and from work because unreliable cabs.

cashapp: $rowansong
venmo: @rowansong
Zelle available upon DM request.

Thanks a bunch, y'all.
#mutualAid, #DisabledCroudSorcing #blindLMT #LGBTQ #fedimutualaid #crowdfunding #donations #financialassistance #aid #welfare

I'm still homeless from the flood with only 2 weeks left in my airbnb and nowhere else to go. I need funds to cover it along with food for myself and pets.

I have been to hospital 4 times since the flood. I am in near constant either pain or panic and am alone with no family or anyone nearby.


#DisabilityMutualAid #DisabilityCrowdFund #MutualAid





URGENT :boost_request: please help Dej with rent!

"still trying to get help from whatever rent assistance program my housing stabilization worker can find (no luck at all yet, i haven't heard from them since mid-november), i'm at the "how to market myself" point of my self-employment thing and haven't received the grant for that yet, and everything's still taking forever to fall into place still due to bureaucracy and everything moving really slow. i'm hoping stuff will work out fine in the new year, but...i honestly dunno what'll happen at this point."

$240/630 DUE IN 6 DAYS

@mutualaid @blackfedi #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #art #artist #BlackMutualAid #trans #transMutualAid #transCrowdfund #genderqueer #nonBinary #winter #january #actuallyAutistic #autism #autistic #disabilty #disabled #disabilityMutualAid #DisabilityCrowdFund #transgender #queer

Please help me escape the fascist U.S.A.

If you or anyone you know is hiring for: -IT support
-Mental Health Technician

In the Toronto or Montreal area please contact me for a resume and portfolio of my writing or forward this message along.

Email relay for business contact:

If nothing else please spread this around. Thank you.

#jobs #it #mutualaid #trans #FediHire

Edit: I have been contacted by a few people who I am working with directly. Thank all of you so much for reblogging. I'm going to take the day to finally relax.

2/20/25 edit: I am still looking for work and my personal funds are starting to dwindle. At this point I'll take any anything as long as I can physically stand it, I am desperate, I'm tired, please help me.

3/05/25 Edit: Things are looking really bleak. Democrats have shown publicly they don't care about their constituents if they don't have a big checkbook and trans people have been abandoned by both parties that hold political power in the US. I can't sleep at night. The people in the first edit have other priorities right now. Please.


Please boost for reach.

So, the latest news: I started a new position today! Thanks to a certain amazingly wonderful person from Germany who I've never met in person, we were able to eat and pay bills throughout December, which is why you haven't had to see me begging like this. (Thank you sooooo much, sir!) Now we are down to the last $15 of those funds, and I've got to figure out a way to feed my family for the next 2 weeks, and then move to the bay area in California (without them :( ) on the money I get from my first paycheck. Way less than ideal, and yet waaaay better than what we've been facing for the last 11 months. This is the home stretch!

Please help us out with food money if you can. Boosts help, too! Many thanks to all of you.


I don't usually ask people for #MutualAid because I like to be self-sifficient a lot of the time, but at this rate, I need help. Would it be possible if someone has the extra money to spare for food $50? I would be more than happy to repay it when I get paid in a few days, but I have not the ability at the moment to get any food for myself. Would prefer Apple Pay but can also do Cash app at $LeonardoCantos if people are cool with that. Please DM me for Apple Pay details if that's easier for you and I'll return it when I get paid on Tuesday. Thanks again, and very much appreciate this. Please #Boost if possible.

i love Max Miller’s work. he says he’s not a historian, but i call bullshit. he not only flexes with his use of primary sources; he is amazing in using food history to make powerful political commentary by letting the facts speak for themselves.

watch this episode on school pizza. wait for when he drops the backstory about the Black Panthers school breakfast program and how Hoover went as far as poisoning their food to stop their #mutualAid program:

🚨help ginny pay for necessities—she lost her rented house and many things to flooding and theft. she needs continued funds for a place to stay, and care for herself and her animals. the stress (and the impact on her health) has put her in and out of the hospital.🚨

she is an amazing person who has suffered greatly. she is disabled, an orphan, and was targeted by the Proud Boys.

she survives on community support,
so please support her 💖


#MutualAid #DisabilityCrowdfund #DisabilityMutualAid


Please boost for reach.

We have 2 days to gather $567.83 or else the sole working vehicle for two families will be repossessed. This will make it impossible for my son in law to work and support the new baby that will be arriving this month, and will limit me to relatively scarce remote-only positions for my job hunt. Please help us if you can. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can give, even if it's just a boost.



Please boost for reach.

We could really use some help. I've been sick for about a week now, and haven't had the spoons to post, but reaching the point now where I dont have a choice. We are out of money ($17.33 total to our names atm), and we have a lot of bills coming due, including $275.67 if we don't want our electricity disconnected on the 18th, $300 for our overdue income tax payment arrangement which was supposed to have been paid on the 8th, $168.84 for our water, $226.46 for our phones, another $567.83 at the start of next month for them to not take our car.


I know I don't usually do this, but it's necessary. My partner's check for this month, which we had plans for, was physically stolen this month when it went to another state, and because of expenses from an overcharge and my own delayed check as well as some other things, mine is about to run out too. I have $15.00 to my name. Help needed for groceries, bills, credit card debt, and some other time-sensitive payments. I have no credit, I can't take out a loan to do it.
My info is:
cashapp: $xocat1372
Apple Pay: available upon request via DM
partner's info:
cashapp: $shimmerscript
Apple Pay: available upon request via DM
#MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #crowdfund #DisabilityCrowdfund #HelpNeeded #Survival #begpost #donations #BoostForReach #desperate @mutualaid @MutualAidNet @MutualAidVisibility

🚨help ginny pay for necessities—she is currently renting an AirBnB that is three times what her (now flooded and damaged) home was. she needs continued funds for a place to stay, and care for herself and her animals, who also need to see the vet🚨

she is an amazing person who has suffered greatly. she is disabled, an orphan, and was targeted by the Proud Boys.

she survives on community support,
so please support her 💖


#MutualAid #DisabilityCrowdfund #DisabilityMutualAid

How does one go about begging for money from strangers online to feed your kids? I am out of options. The gig work I was using to keep us alive after being unemployed for 6 months has dried up. We are down to $20. My car will be repossessed soon. I'll lose my house in the spring when I can't pay the taxes. The electricity and water and phone will soon be cut off. I have never had so much trouble getting hired in my entire career. I don't understand it. I'm tremendously talented and have decades of experience, but all anyone wants is LLMs, the one thing I'm not experienced with. I'm worried I might not be alive much longer.

My PayPal link is

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help, whether it's a dollar or a boost. I don't have a target right now. Just trying to have food for dinner tomorrow. I'll make another post soon if I don't find a way to get some income first.


Sensitive content

Hey, y'all,

I still haven't been able to get a full time job, and my savings are depleted. I could use some help with rent and suchlike.

Of course, if you have need for someone with Linux experience, I'm your girl.

Well, not the happiest intro but I’l cut/paste this here while I still remember then add a proper intro spoons allowing..⬇️

Please #boost and share to other platforms spoons allowing.

Seems I’m desperate enough to go to the media for help. Yes, the trapped woman in the article below is me.

My story:…

More info on how to help::…

I’ve tried every level of government and they simply won’t help. Please ask people if they have a spare room or somewhere to go. Maybe you have somewhere?

Is anybody a #DisabilityAdvocate? #SocialWorker? Need help.

Please don’t give me contacts for domestic violence orgs. They don’t help disabled people with housing & only offer counselling. Also, that list of disability advocates going around for #Melbourne #Australia (where I am) is outdated - there aren’t any in my catchment. So I’m looking for volunteers with some background.

Thanks for reading

#PwME #LongCovid #MECFS #Hypothyroidism #ChronicIllness #Neisvoid #NacissisticAbuse ##Housing #Dysautonomia #SocialWork #MedMastodon #PWLC #MutualAid
#HumanRights #Press

@mecfs @chronicillness @neisvoid
@disability @disabilityjustice @socialwork @dyssupport

(If I’ve broken any rules in posting this, please let me know.)

So my local library's makerspace offered a free event where they brought in a bunch of old tower computers, printers, game consoles, etc., - laid out a bunch of iFixit toolkits - and let everyone (kids and adults alike) take everything apart!!!

One kid was hesitant because they didn't want to break anything and the library staff were like, none of it works. We're recycling and throwing everything out afterwards! Go hog wild, you won't get in trouble! You're meant to break it and take it apart!

The kid was absolutely enthusiastic and went to town!

I got to be a kid again and go into detail about all the computer parts and what each of the hardware did. It was awesome watching my children and other kids and adults interact, share tools, show off what they found.

I spoke with the organizer afterwards and asked if this was a regular thing and he said that he didn't have enough old equipment to make it regular. I laughed and said all of my friends have CLOSETS FULL OF THIS STUFF and the idea of giving it to a bunch of kids and adults to play with would bring joy and meaning to their life, lol!

I gave him the time to meet up with @fxbghackers and told him to make a community announcement about needing old electronics for donation to take apart and he'd get truck loads.

Just another way community helps each other out. This is post scarcity education.

#solarPunk #mutualAid #community #library #makerSpace

hey everyone, i’m unfortunately in a pretty difficult position right now; i’ve been dealing with a lot of health issues (specifically treatment-resistant migraines, nausea, and persistent fevers) which have been flaring up over the past several months and so i’ve been unable to work the same amount that i had been earlier this year, and so i’ve fallen behind on some credit card bills. i was able to set up some payment plans on my accounts and i need around $200 to catch up on these. there’s absolutely no pressure to donate or share or anything, but if you feel like it i’ll leave my ko-fi and liberapay links here:

(currently at $51/200)

#mutualAid #transCrowdFund