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Items tagged with: disabilities

I want to talk about #accessibility in #gaming for a minute. I consider myself a gamer. I love finding #games I can play, and they're a great way to fill time stuck in bed or waiting at doctor appointments, but because of my multiple #disabilities, I'm more limited than some on what I can play. I've been mostly sticking to text-based games or games where sound isn't critical, but I want to try some #audiogames, and after I explain why I haven't, I'm hoping other #blind people can give me some suggestions.
Some of you might know that I'm both totally blind and #autistic. Because of my #autism, I can get easily overstimulated if a game has a lot of sound coming at me all at once. My sense of direction and where I am in space is also not very good, so I might get lost in games with complex maps. I don't mind that as long as there's no timer or anything like that. I also can't keep a mental map in my head. If a sound is supposed to be coming from a certain direction, there are a lot of times that I can't tell where that sound is coming from, even with headphones on, so I might misinterpret that cue. Finally, high-pitched sounds also worsen my chronic #headaches.
There are quite a few text-based games and others where sound isn't critical, but I know there are several great audiogames out there, too, and I'm just wondering which ones might be playable for me. As long as there aren't a bunch of sounds coming at me at once, too many high-pitched sounds, or a lot of directional sound cues, I think I could play it. Does anyone know of any games I might be missing out on?

Hola Titánicos , me he topado con unos datos del INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica del Gobierno de España) que quiero compartir con vosotros.

Los datos los podéis encontrar en la pagina 8 de este pdf:

Pero os los he sacado una captura de imagen para que podáis leerlo mas fácil, para lo que tengas problemas de visión tenéis todo el texto en ALT de la imagen

Me gustaría saber si sois tan amables de compartir, tanto los que tengáis una discapacidad, un familiar con algún tipo de discapacidad o hayáis presenciado alguna situación de alguien con discapacidad ... que se haya sentido discriminado alguna vez por ello.

Y si lo podéis acompañar de la situación.. mejor que mejor gracias

#discapacidad #Disability #disabilities #discriminacion #empatia #faltaderespeto #respeto #civismo #normasdecivismo #genteTitanica #somosdisca

The truth of bad business in #accessibility shall set us free! This is an important article for advocates by @LFLegal - let’s not tolerate this behavior. #blind #disabilities New Low in the Accessibility Industry