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Items tagged with: eff

Čudujem sa, že to prichádza až teraz... Ale nikdy nie je neskoro, takže ešte raz - Chrome nie je browser, je to šmírovacia platforma Googlu, podobne ako Android.
Použite, zatiaľ stále príčetný, browser #firefox a nezabudnite na obľúbené rozšírenia vrátane #privacybadger od #eff

Po tom, čo sa mi podarilo konečne zmigrovať blog z Drupalu, hovoril som si, že načim aj niečo napísať... Recall od Microsoftu ma konečne prinútil sa trochu rozhýbať:…

#microsoft #recall #privacy #sukromie #eff

Reminder to anyone who said "Meta wouldn't do anything to Fediverse, we should let them join!"

Meta is now automatically muting all posts that mention PixelFed, so it's users can't read about any alternatives to its services.…

Just remember, *Every time advocacy groups warn about tech/capitalism, believe them.* We don't make shit up, we use history of actions and facts to state our reasons to be against it.

If your instance isn't part of @FediPact please urge your admins to join or move to another instance who is.

And if you want proof, ask the general public what Jabber/XMPP was, and then ask what Google how they killed it.

EDIT: *Please* send support to the creator of the FediPact, @vantablack as she is homeless. This is possible because of them.

#fedipact #meta #pixelfed #eff

How is #EFF not on Mastodon?