Items tagged with: pixelfed


Items tagged with: pixelfed

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We're still $76k away from our stretch goal to establish a non-profit.

We're already working on it, and can't wait to build a sustainable, long term home for our ecosystem of projects!

That being said, if you could help us reach $200k, we can hire more team members.

Please spread the word, we need ethical and safe alternative platforms more than ever!…

#pixelfed #loops #kickstarter #fediverse

Dík, výborné. Odinstaluji #pixelfed, s tím mám občas problémy.

@Pixelix je uživatelsky přívětivá aplikace pro Android, která slouží jako klient pro Pixelfed – federovanou platformu pro sdílení fotografií.
Další skvělá aplikace pro! 📸✨ Přehledný, jednoduchý a bez reklam. Díky @pavel za tip!
#opensource #pixelfed #pixelix #pixelfedcz

Funktionieren Friendica-Gruppen mit Pixelfed-Accounts? Können die Gruppen Beiträge von Pixelfed teilen?

Ich habe eine neue Gruppe / ein Forum erstellt. Es ist ein öffentliches Forum, also der Konto-Typ ist Gemeinschaftsgruppe > Öffentliche Gruppe.

Die Gruppe hat nun auch schon ein paar Mitglieder, viele von Mastodon, einige Akkoma-, Friendica- und auch ein Pixelfed-Account.

Von Mastodon, Akkoma, Sharkey u.a. klappt es ja soweit gut, dass deren Beiträge im Forum landen und der Foren-Account die Beiträge automatisch teilt, wenn sie den Account mit @ taggen.

Nun hatte aber ein Pixelfed-Account (der auch Mitglied der Gruppe ist) einen Beitrag erstellt und die Gruppe getaggt. (dieser Beitrag). Da hat es dann aber nicht geklappt mit dem automatischen Teilen.
Das scheint daran zu liegen, dass Pixelfed die Accounts anders taggt, jedenfalls wird der Link hinter dem Tag auch anders angezeigt (in der Form: )

Was allerdings seltsam ist, ist dass ich den Beitrag dann auch nicht nachträglich mit dem Forenaccount manuell teilen konnte. Er wird zwar normal angezeigt, aber beim Klick auf "Teilen" passiert nichts. Ich konnte ihn vom Forenaccount aus nur als Zitat teilen. Von meinem normalen Friendica-Account aus (dieser hier, Kontotyp persönliche Seite) konnte ich es dagegen normal teilen.

Hat jemand schon Erfahrung damit?

Wenn es unklar ist, und jemand von Euch mit #Pixelfed -Account mal Lust hat, ein bisschen zu testen, gerne in diesem Test-Forum : [ät]

!Friendica Support

Going thru the stands at fosdem ran into as a photographier I was interested so asked a few questions :
- what's your biz model?
- none yet, but probably hosted services
- how do you compare to #flickr or #pixelfed?
- pixelwhat? We are providing a replacement photo - no direct answer for flickr
- do you support activitypub?
- actiwhat?
- do you run on any OS?
- of course we do, we provide docker images

#fosdem2025 #floss #selhosting #photography

Over 600 people have applied to my call for dreamers and builders to join our team at Pixelfed!

I was not expecting this level of interest, and it will take me a few more weeks to go through them all.

Y'all going to make me cry, I can't believe the outpouring of support we are getting!

We can build better, together. And we will. ❤️

#pixelfed #dreamers #activitypub

Nice. How to leave #X / #Twitter and #Instagram? In the edition of tomorrow‘s newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine offers valuable tips and highlights alternatives in the #Fediverse, such as #Mastodon and #Pixelfed.

A must-read especially for @Gargron from @Mastodon and @dansup from @PixelFed and of course @helpers / @admins

📖 Read more here in german language:…

#SocialMedia #Privacy #Alternatives #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse

Nice. How to leave #X / #Twitter and #Instagram? In the edition of tomorrow‘s newspaper Augsburger Allgemeine offers valuable tips and highlights alternatives in the #Fediverse, such as #Mastodon and #Pixelfed. A must-read especially for @Gargron from @Mastodon and @dansup from @PixelFed and of course @helpers / @admins

📖 Read more here in german language:…

#SocialMedia #Privacy #Alternatives #Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse

I have a #Fediverse #ActivityPub question:
Why doesn't my client ( #mastodon or #pixelfed ) automatically load the comments from the original page so that all comments are visible?
Is there a technical reason?

By popular demand, a single post to boost global switch day across multiple platforms on February 1st 2025.

For those who can no longer get behind Musk or Meta's new policies and feel like switching (e.g. from #Whatsapp to #Signal, from #Instagram to #Pixelfed or from #X to #Mastodon) I made you some graphics to use freely in communicating with your contacts.

Let’s lead by example 🙂

Sensitive content

🌟 OSCLOUD: Od malého projektu k velké Open-source komunitě! 🌟

Začali jsme jako malý projekt na podporu Open-source aplikací, dnes máme:
✅ Dva Mastodon servery
✅ PixelFed s 1000+ uživateli
✅ PeerTube VHSKY pro videa
...a další!
💻 A teď s radostí představujeme nový web 👉
Za jeho podobou stojí @cynik_obecny – díky za skvělou práci! 🙌
Připojte se a objevte svět Open-source – svoboda, soukromí a bezpečnost u nás vždy na prvním místě!

#OpenSource #Mastodon #PixelFed

📣 Novinka na serveru :pixelfed: Pixelfed CZ!
Aktivovali jsme push notifikace, abyste byli vždy v obraze! 🚀

🔔 Stačí jen zapnout v mobilní aplikaci.
Pokud narazíte na problém, dejte nám vědět – rádi pomůžeme! 💬
#Pixelfed #PushNotifikace #pixelfedcz

🔁 Mastodon users can follow Pixelfed accounts.
🔃 Pixelfed users can follow Mastodon accounts.

🖧 It's the Fediverse. Not everybody knows this. Spread the word!

#Mastodon #Pixelfed #Fediverse

Okay, so Cory Doctorow published his take on the #freeourfeeds thingy, all about "billionaire-proofing" the Internet (or more accurately, billionaire-proofing social media), and I have some thoughts...…

His main argument is this --> yeah, Bluesky isn't perfect, but it's what's fun and popular right now, and if we can billionaire-proof it, then we should, rather than getting people to adopt the existing, already proven, billionaire-proofed Fediverse ecosystem.

Okay, that's fair I think. I have no objection to this on its face. The "Fediverse" has been around for a while and though it has never been more popular than it is now, it has struggled to really gain mainstream appeal. (Perhaps that will change more drastically this year as fedi platforms like #Pixelfed gain more attention though). So though he admits that Mastodon/Fediverse is ideal, would be perfect for what they're trying to do ("Free our Feeds"), it's just not the clearest solution because the difficulty of getting people to adopt it en-masse seems somewhat insurmountable at this time.


He goes on to say that the answer is, as he puts it, "installing our own fire-exits in Bluesky", or in other words, standing up a second Bluesky relay/infrastructure that "federates" or otherwise interoperates with the main Bluesky infrastructure - similar to how distinct Fediverse instances can communicate with each other. This too makes sense. If the main Bluesky enshittifies, or goes down, or is subject to hostile/billionaire takeover, than people have the choice to switch over to the other relay, the "good" one. Now here is where his argument starts to fall apart...

First, "FreeOurFeeds" is asking for 30 million dollars to do this. Wow. That's a lot, and doesn't speak well to how easy it is to stand up and maintain a second instance of the entire bluesky infra. Second, the FreeOurFeeds website speaks nothing of how they will keep that infra alive, i.e. pay for ongoing operating costs. Even the main Bluesky company doesn't have a realistic monetization strategy, they are kept alive by VC money alone pretty much.

Finally, what Cory fails to address, and in my mind, the biggest issue with his whole argument is that having just ONE single other relay/instance of Bsky as a whole is not the robust "fire exit" he thinks it is. Let's say FreeOurFeeds succeeds and they stand up a fully interoperable, yet fully isolated instance of Bluesky, and they manage to get a sizable portion of the existing Bluesky userbase to move over there. Like, 5 million of Blueskys ~30 mil or w/e. Let's say then that Bluesky sells out to Elon Musk or Bezos or whomever. This triggers another mass migration of 5 million, or 10 million or even everyone over to the FreeOurFeeds relay. (Though we all know that they'd be lucky to get half of regular people to figure out how to "Switch" relay providers). Now they are RIGHT BACK to where they were to begin with. A single provider, just as vulnerable to hostile takeover or enshittification as the original Bluesky was.

So you might say, okay? well then stand up ANOTHER relay. Crowdfund another 30 million. Right? ... What?!? Bags of 30 million dollars don't just grow on trees ya know? It's hard enough to get people to pay for these types of services, and I just don't think having one, or two or even 5 other relays is enough redundancy, enough resiliency to combat the billionaires and the governments of the world that want to control what we see, what we talk about, and who's allowed to speak.

That's why the Fediverse works. It's made up of literally thousands of servers, of all different sizes, some Mastodon, some GoToSocial, some Lemmy, some I mean w/e. Theres tons of different platforms that all interoperate, and they don't cost 30 million to run. I'm typing this out on a GoToSocial instance that literally costs $3.75/mo. You heard that right. Less than $4/mo. To put that in perspective, I could run 8 million GoToSocial instances at this price if I was given 30 million dollars. I'd like to see Musk try to buy all those out 😄.

I'll try to put it another way here. I'm in cybersecurity, and one thing we're taught is that attackers, with enough time and resources can literally get into anything. So our jobs as defenders, on top of all the usual stuff (e.g. defense in depth, blah blah), is to just slow them down. Make it impractical (from a time-spent perspective) to achieve a reasonable return on (time) investment. It wouldn't be hard for a billionaire or a hostile government to take down one, two, three or maybe even 10 Bluesky relays. But it seems wholly impractical for a billionaire, or a team of billionaires to snuff out thousands of Fediverse instances. And hell, these are just instances that exist now, in a very fledgling model where Fedi only has like a couple million MAU. Imagine a timeline where Fediverse got REAL world-wide adoption, and we went from a few thousand instances, to hundreds of thousands, or millions of instances. Taking that down would be like taking down the Internet itself, and if that could happen, we might have bigger issues.

Oh and I forgot to mention, that FreeOurFeeds can't even stand up another relay. Bsky devs have already stated that's impossible at the moment (…). Though theoretically this will be addressed in time...

Alrighty, let's wrap this up. I get it. Bluesky is hot. It's popular. It's got steam. It's got gobs of cursed VC money. It's got some admittedly cool tech behind it. But it just isn't it. Not unless it can find a way to solve for the whole it's-insanely-expensive-to-run-another-relay issue. If FreeOurFeeds succeeds, stands up another instance and figures out a way to run it on the cheap, then I'll be the first to say "congrats" and "I was wrong". Until then, I will remain skeptical, and I'll keep saying that this sort of money would be better thrown at building out the proven solution, the Fediverse.

🎉 Když jsem 28. října 2021 zakládal Pixelfed, kdo by si pomyslel, kam až to dojde? 🤯
Dnes tu máme 1 000 registrovaných uživatelů a 130 aktivních! 💪
Děkujeme všem, kdo tvoříte tuto komunitu, Jste úžasní!
#Pixelfed #Komunita #fediverse

@dansup @pixelfed Where do the devs hang out? Is there a development chat that I could join?
The links to the discord server that I could find are not valid anymore and I couldn't find a link to a matrix server or other group. #pixelfed

Does anyone know if there is an api documentation for #pixelfed? I'm unable to find it by myself

Lots of questions about :PixelFed: Pixelfed right now! 😅

The most common Pixelfed questions are answered on the Fedi.Tips website at this link:


If you want to find people to follow on Pixelfed, there's more info here:


Here's how to import your data from Instagram to Pixelfed:


If you want to receive DMs from strangers on Pixelfed, you need to activate that option:


#FediTips #Pixelfed

Introducing Pixelfed for iOS.

Now available!… #pixelfed

With #pixelfed gaining popularity and people experimenting with it, the project could probably benefit from a PHP developer to implement the native export/import function. As it is, it's rather funny that you can import an Instagram account archive, but you can't transfer a Pixelfed account to another server. I would have done that for mine to shift out of the rather overloaded instance to another one..…

Pixelfed now has over 300K users across 500+ servers!


Společnost #Meta maže příspěvky, když se uživatelé zmíní o #Pixelfed.
Ale to nás nezastaví! Dnes se registrovalo dalších 6 nových uživatelů a už brzy nás bude na skoro 1000!
#opensource #fediverse

Einerseits schon sehr amüsant das Meta sich sowie das Geschäftsmodell von Instagram durch Pixelfed bedroht sieht und nun zu solchen unlauteren Maßnahmen greift. 😅😉

Anderseits ziemlich bedenklich in mehr als einer Hinsicht sowie wohl auch rechtlich, das Meta auf Instagram nun Links zu Pixelfed als Alternative sperrt und somit Zensur vom feinsten betreibt. 🖕🤮

#Meta #Instagram #Pixelfed #Alternative #Sperre #Zensur

Weiß jemand, wie man den #Pixelfed Feed bequem in eine Wordpress-Seite bzw. allgemein in eine Internetseite einbindet?

So it turns out the spike in resource usage is due to image optimization, I am working to add libvips support which will buy us some time before we have to add more servers to our fleet.

#pixelfed #devops