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Items tagged with: headphones

To #blind #techies, does anyone have any suggestions for a pair of noise canceling #headphones purchasable on #Amazon that can connect to my computer running #Windows10, preferrably wirelessly or through Bluetooth. It's even better if they can somehow also connect to a second device and let me hear when my mom calls my #iPhone. This would be something I could use with my computer on days when our dogs are barking a lot so I don't get such bad #SensoryOverLoad. Of course, they need to also either not have software for the computer, or that software needs to be somewhat #accessible. My budget right now is about $80, but I may have up to $120 or so if I wait a day or two.
@mastoblind #ActuallyAutistic #accessibility #iOS #tech #technology #Windows #WindowsTen

Jetzt in unserem Onlineshop – SHIFT6mq + SHIFTsound BNO Bundle📱+🎧

Mit diesem Bundle erhältst du beide Produkte um 44 € vergünstigt. Wir schenken dir also quasi das Gerätepfand für beide Geräte.🙂
Das Angebot endet am 11. Januar 2024.

#shift #shifthappens #shiftphone #shiftsoundbno #shift6mq #bundle #smartphone #headphones

Когда-нибудь я сяду и напишу небольшое ревью на новую версию Audio-Technica ATH-M50xBT2 с описанием различий с первой версией.

Но не сегодня.

#hardware #headphones #log #pic #AudioTechinca #bluetooth #sound #audio #review #vote