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Items tagged with: stardew_valley

So if you've wanted to try Stardew Access but have trouble with getting the mods up and running, there's now the Accessible Stardew Setup installer. It installs SMAPI, Stardew Access, and its dependencies. If you're using the Steam copy, it will even modify your game options path with a single click.
#stardew_valley #stardewAccess #blind #accessibility #a11y

The Stardew Access docs have finally been updated with fabulous new guides and config references. There's now a guide for constructing farm buildings with the updated tile viewer. No more buildsel command! Also character customization has been greatly improved. It's looking really good for the next release, but you can load the beta right now if you can't wait to play Stardew 1.6.
#stardew_valley #smapi #blind #accessibility #a11y @mastoblind