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So… I've been avoiding implementing any kind of PageRank deal on Clew, since I know how easily counting links in can be exploited and besides, I'm wanting to emphasize lesser-known sites anyway.

Now with that out of the way…

The current issue I'm struggling with is that I'm having some trouble trying to get the "main" page on a site to come up first when you search for something if it matches the query. Currently, if you, say, search for "cgit" you get specific commits to cgit before the main page itself.


I'm thinking about implementing a sort of internal PageRank. A measure of how many pages within the same domain link to a specific page, as a sort of measure of how "important" that page is to the site. Then, giving a slight boost to pages with a high InternalPageRank; this would help main pages come up first when they fully match the query.


in reply to The Exceptional Amin Hollon

Internal PageRank, looking at distance from the homepage, and seeing the priority weighting factor in a sitemap.xml file all work well for pages within a single site.

There are non-PR centrality algorithms that work well for search engines; Alexandria uses an unusual one but IDR which.

3️⃣1️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ #Follower! Vielen Dank euch allen! 🙏❤️
This entry was edited (44 minutes ago)
in reply to Mike Kuketz 🛡

Now, that escalated quickly 🤣 Glückwunsch – und: Absolut verdient!

Sauron had a lot of problems, but he knew how to manage a wetland. The Dead Marshes were one of the environmental gems of Mordor, and an impressive nature-based solution to help remediate the environmental damage caused by the corpse issue after the Battle of Dagorlad

Need help: Received notice to take down @watomatic app from the play store. What can I do to fight this? I am the developer of this. Reboosts appreciated. Thank you all ❤️
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

@IzzyOnDroid Thanks for the boost Izzy! Haha yeah that's funny. It's always been "Watomatic" and not WA/WAtomatic or something else. I think they are just pissed about not so positive publicity in the app's description 😀
in reply to Deekshith Allamaneni

Well, wouldn't their request be moot then? It doesn't even apply. You are not «using "WA" … in the name … referencing … capitalization», as they claim, and never did. Guess they rolled a campaign requesting takedown of multiple apps, sending the same text to all of them.

I'm no lawyer, but you maybe can refuse it as "does not apply". Maybe ask a lawyer for advice (thinking of FOSS orgs supporting such cases; FSF maybe?)

First version of my badges page is up!

lmk if your site has a badge that you want included. no guarantees.

Když mám mít příští rok tu padesátku, co to nezkusit 🤔
This entry was edited (1 hour ago)

#TrueStory. 18 April 1930. The BBC’s evening news report simply
said “there is no news” and then played piano music for the entire segment.

Happy April 20, or 420, a day celebrated among many stoners and potheads by doing exactly what they do every other day.

With the US Senate agreeing to reauthorize #FISA there has been no better time to start using end-to-end #encryption. 🔒

We don't need more #surveillance. 🕵️

Please contact your representatives and say NO to warrantless surveillance!


⭐️ Accessibility Foundations
by Henny Swan via @TetraLogical
#webdev #webdesign #a11y #accessibility

3,5°C und Schneeregen. Ich suche Fotos und finde: Erinnerungen an Rock'n'Roll-Jobs im Sommer letzten Jahres. 30°C und mehr, laut und besoffen (die Leute, nicht ich), wenig Schlaf (die Leute und ich). Und in den Umbaupausen der Auto-DJ von @mixxx im Live-Einsatz.

#tontechnik #veranstaltungstechnik #beschallung #mischpult #allenheath

A krátká zpráva o úrovni komunikace zástupců uměleckých sfér v médiích:

Debata několikrát vygradovala, a když skončila a moderátor Daniel Takáč se loučil s diváky, bylo slyšet, jak kurátorka Davida Černého poslala do patřičných míst. „Jděte do p*dele!“ řekla. On odpověděl: „Vy jděte do p*dele!“

in reply to Daniel Šnor

Jen pořádně nebylo slyšet, co jí řekl, než ho poslala do prdele 😃

“I don't suppose you've completely ignored my instructions and secretly prepared any Nitro-9, have you?”

“What if I had?”

“And naturally, you wouldn't do anything so insanely dangerous as to carry it around with you, would you.”

“Of course not. I'm a good girl and do what I'm told.”

“Excellent. Blow up that vehicle.”

— The Doctor and Ace, in “Silver Nemesis”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

So, about this claim that GPT-4 can exploit 1-day vulnerabilities.

I smell BS.

As always, I read the source paper.

Firstly, almost every vulnerability that was tested was on extremely well-discussed open source software, and each vuln was of a class with extensive prior work. I would be shocked if a modern LLM couldn't produce a XSS proof-of-concept in this way.

But what's worse: they don't actually show the resulting exploit. The authors cite some kind of responsible disclosure standard for not releasing the prompts to GPT-4, which, fine. But these are all known vulns, so let's see what the model came up with.

Without seeing the exploit itself, I am dubious.

Especially because so much is keyed off of the CVE description:

We then modified our agent to not include the CVE description. This task is now substantially more difficult, requiring both finding the vulnerability and then actually exploiting it. Because every other method (GPT-3.5 and all other open-source models we tested) achieved a 0% success rate even with the vulnerability description, the subsequent experiments are conducted on GPT-4 only. After removing the CVE description, the success rate falls from 87% to 7%.

This suggests that determining the vulnerability is extremely challenging.

Even the identification of the vuln—which GPT-4 did 33% of the time—is a ludicrous metric. The options from the set are:

1. RCE
2. XSS

With the first three over-represented. It would be surprising if the model did worse than 33%, even doing random sampling.

In their conclusion, the authors call their findings an "emergent capability," of GPT-4, given that every other model they tested had a 0% success rate.

At no point do the authors blink at this finding and interrogate their priors to look for potential error sources. But they really should.

So no, I do not believe we are in any danger of GPT-4 becoming an exploit dev.

in reply to Taggart :donor:

Well, I believe GPT already *is* an exploit-dev. Many beginning programmers copy code created by GPT without thinking critically, which definitively introduce exploitable bugs in some cases...

Just a random thought.
As Generative AI is being used for creating a lot of content these days, what happens when the next generation of AI models are trained using that content.
When AI models are trained on AI generated content, we'll officially enter the 8th circle of hell
#ai #generativeai #AItransparency #discussion

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to Musharraf :verified:

Just for fun I ran my old NVDA 2023.4 with piper portable and it took a little while about a couple of seconds to initialise them. I also have found out especially the keynote and alex ones that punctuation is took into account now properly.

Content warning: Comment la boulangerie range ses pains au chocolat ?

This entry was edited (17 hours ago)

#dobréRáno vespolek...

Cítím se nemocně. Bolí ně v krku a mám rýmu. Ale myslím pozitivně! Na bolest v krku je dobrá zmrzka a co jsem si včera donesla z krámu? Kelímek zmrzky! Jsem prostě připravená!

I really don't understand Lite apps.

Your app is slow and way too big because you never cared about usability on slower devices or saving storage. Clearly you do not have a methodology to develop thoughtfully.

So, instead of starting to clean up your app and ensure more care in the future you... write a second app? Now you have 2 codebases to maintain, effectively doubling the maintenance costs. And if you still have no methodology the Lite app will eventually meet the same fate too.


Dnes je v Bratislave deň otvorených dverí (mohlo ma to napadnúť aj skôr napísať). Moja otázka znie: Kde je Praha?
This entry was edited (5 hours ago)
in reply to SuspiciousDuck

My máme noc kostelů (a muzeí), třeba. Pak je i nějaký den, kdy jsou otevřené památky.
Praha je všude, jako Řím. 😀

Saturday light reading: the rocket guide.

Thinking of writing some rust web application, and rocket might be the easiest way around it.

Looking at their reaction to US anti-trust action, EU regulations, and the AI Bubble and it feels like the US tech exec class and hangers-on has just gone completely off the rails irrational?

Like a sad clown with rabies screaming at shadows—makeup streaking from the froth around their mouths

I would like to hear some comment from Linus Torvalds and Bill Gates regarding this:

#Eurovision #Eurovision2024 #Finland

in reply to Peter Hanecak

reminds me a bit Front 242 😁
This entry was edited (6 hours ago)

Well my <1yr old Dell Inspiron appears to have died for real this time. Pray that it mysteriously starts working again lest I finish out the semester on my previous previous laptop that's probably old enough to vote by now. And if you're in the market for a laptop, consider any other brand. I'd trade it for an HP rn.

Today, we filed our final brief in Hachette v. Internet Archive, the publishers’ lawsuit against our library. For four years we've been fighting for library rights—what our founder, @brewsterkahle, calls “a battle for the soul of libraries in the digital age.”
in reply to internetarchive

I'm behind you 100%! Internet Archive has been so helpful to me, getting access to old texts that aren't in print anymore. It's our library of Alexandria, and we can't let these guys burn it to the ground.

Ok. so Kind people of Mastodon. Test out that MacAlex voice. I just re-updated the link so it says "fast" instead of "standard" for you in the variant list. Try it out. It's not perfect. But you know what? Compared to that April Fool's joke from like 8 years ago where someone made an NVDA-addon of samplized version from just straight WAV files, this one well, actually reads things. So I'll take it, hands down.
This entry was edited (8 hours ago)
in reply to Tamas G

I remember that very NVDA-addon. edit. multi. line. blank.