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What do you call a cow with no legs? Ground beef.

Debian Day 2024 in Santa Maria - Brazil…

Linux Continues to Grow: 4.45% Desktop Market Share in July 2024…

Debian Day 2024 in Pouso Alegre - Brazil…

"Always infuriates me to see Yank tanks invading the rest of the world"

submitted by u/destructdisc

19 Best Free and Open-Source Shells…

Tails 6.6 Improves Persistent Storage and Adds Support for Newer Hardware…

My employer added a clause in my last NDA stating that I was prohibited from saying anything "disparaging" about the company. Now when anyone asks about job postings I tell them, "I'm contractually obligated not to say anything disparaging about them." None have ever applied.

Топ бесплатных нейросетей на все случаи жизни

В наше время ИИ проникает во все сферы жизни, предлагая невероятные возможности для творчества, работы и развлечений. Нейросети уже не фантастика из будущего, а реальные инструменты, доступные каждому. В данной статье мы представляем вашему вниманию подборку лучших бесплатных нейросетей, способных удовлетворить самые разнообразные потребности: от генерации контента и обработки данных до оптимизации рабочих процессов и организации увлекательного досуга. Приятного прочтения!…

#ии #ии_и_машинное_обучение #ии_помощник #бесплатные_инструменты #генерация_контента #обзор_сервисов #оптимизация_рабочего_времени #чатботы

Things to Do Before Asking “Is This Accessible?”, by @aardrian:…

Gemeente Amsterdam verbiedt Telegram op werktelefoons

Ambtenaren van de gemeente Amsterdam mogen de berichtenapp Telegram niet gebruiken op hun werktelefoon. Volgens de gemeente is het risico op cyberspionage te hoog, zegt een woordvoerder van ICT-wethouder Scholtes na berichtgeving van BNR. #nieuws #nos

NPR: America's only native bamboo was once plentiful along river banks, before making way for agriculture. Now it's a rare plant, and there are efforts to bring it back.#news #NPR…
#News #NPR

Dad died because he couldn't remember his blood type. I will never forget his last words. Be positive.

"Parking your 2 ton death machine's hood over the pavement like an arsehole."

submitted by u/juoig7799

in reply to Fuck Cars Bot 🤖

You know why american sidewalks are so narrow? Because otherwise they would be confused with parking.


Sensitive content

in reply to Poll Bot


Sensitive content

All this 'unplug your equipment and wait 30 seconds before turning it back on again' is bollocks, modern equipment detects 'brown out' and shuts itself down safely in milliseconds. There's no need to wait but no one wants to say so 'just in case'.

Yay! We've made it 1 year older, lets look in the mirror to see ... YOU! You, you, you, and you! Debian Users, Editors, Sponsors, Admins, Translators, Contributors, Developers, and Maintainers are the literal faces in the mirror We love you all! #Debianday #FLOSS #Debian #DebianLooksGreatAt31Years

We celebrate our 31 year anniversary today with hobbyists, tinkerers, enthusiasts, visionaries, innovators, and dreamers. We see you change the world every day and we are proud to explore with you. You made this happen, Thank You! p.s. we kind of have an official thing going on: #debian #debianday.
in reply to Debian

I don't use debian much right now, but it will always have a special place in my heart
in reply to Debian

given that the heritage of Ubuntu and Raspberry pi OS is Debian, we tinkerers have a lot to thank you for.

The Debian Infrastructure is run by volunteers and consists of ~200 hosts of all architectures Debian carries. #debian #debianday #debianfacts

The Debian Project announces its 'Finely Aged CUCD Project' (Community, User, Contributor, and Developer), edition:joy, version:31. Soon available worldwide. #debian #debianday

#2972 - Helium Synthesis
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

No matter how kind you are, German children are kinder.

6 Best Free and Open-Source OCR Screen Capture Tools…

Sources: Sonos is considering relaunching its previous mobile app as it works to improve the redesigned version, which launched in May to widespread criticism (Chris Welch/The Verge)……

Linux dd Command Explained for Beginners (8 Examples)…

Did you know that 'Salsa', the name of our GitLab development platform was chosen at a restaurant in Hamburg? Written prominently on the menu the connection between sauce/source was realized. #debian

in reply to Debian

Ain't it common 4chan talk to refer to the source as sauce?
in reply to Idaho

@Idaho We aren't on the Internet that much! :) This is our origin/hero/villain story. 😁

Tails 6.6 Debuts With Updates to Tor Browser and Thunderbird…

Amazingly, somebody made a functional 35mm film camera out of LEGO, and put it on LEGO Ideas. It needs about 2300 more votes to have a chance of being made into a real set.…

reshared this

How to Install and Use Emacs in Linux…

Auktion von Charles-Banknoten brachte über Technische Probleme

How Uber, facing sexual assault litigation, spent millions trying to get a Nevada ballot proposal to restrict legal fees that bankroll cases against companies (Jessica Silver-Greenberg/New York Times)……

in reply to Debian

happy birthday Debian, thank you for existing in the linux distro environment :)
in reply to Debian

Happy Birthday and thank you for more than 25 years as a lucky user.

GNOME 46.4 Desktop Improves Connecting to WPA2 Enterprise Networks…

TIL that Eratosthenes paid a guy to walk 800 kilometers to a tower to measure the length of it’s shadow & that’s how we found out the earth was round.…
#til #todayilearned…