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Be My Eyes, Hilton Executives Talk ‘World-First’ Partnership In New Interview…

Google payed me a bugbounty for a bug I reported 8 years ago...

Look inside: Franklin Institute’s Giant Heart reopens with new immersive exhibits…
in reply to David Goldfield

Ooh I always hated that thing as a child. Even today many find that sound calming I do not.

Zážitek s tříválcem. Náhradní vozidlo Opel Crossland, benzín 81 kW. Při montáži motoru v něm slyšitelně zapomněli plechovku od oleje. Snad se to někde nerozsype... Ale má to cosi jako zátah. A pořádný. Kde se to v té kraksně bere? A spotřeba 5,8 po dálnici + kolona v Praze? To je o 2,5 litru míň než u mého #auta.
in reply to Jiří Pavlík

Mám podobnou zkušenost úplně s jinými auty (značkami). Malolitrážní přeplňované motory mají všechny zvuk, jak když každou chvíli umřou. Současně "odpich" je mnohdy lepší jak u mnohem větších atmosferických motorů s vyšším papírovým výkonem. Životnost těchto malých mršek je však už diskutabilní ...

Beltone’s ‘Hear for the Holidays’ Giveaway: Free Hearing Aids for Those in Need…

@Mojeek @Tutanota @tilvids @brave @odysee everyone should use your products, they are free, open source mostly (brave why do u use chromium, use gecko and make everything better for first browser choices) and if someone doesn't have any relations with big tech (no Google Microsoft apple or Amazon) then get them a Linux computer get them a grapheneos pixel, and get them to use y'all instead of big tech like don't use YouTube and they will use mastodon odysee and tilvids instead #FOSS tchüss
in reply to Isaac

Thanks for the mention ❤️ Together we can make the web a better place!

I've just realized that my phone is now over two years old and I don't feel the need to upgrade it. This is perhaps the first time I've ever reached this point in a phone's lifetime without wanting to upgrade and it's a weird feeling for me. I've ALWAYS enjoyed living at the bleeding edge of tech. Maybe it was that I was young and a year was a long time for me and I've gotten older now. I know e-waste (though my phones are always repurposed or donated) and cost are factors.

co je to za kreténa ten Filip Turek? 🤔 😂

ptám se pro kamaráda...

i hope bluesky and the fediverse becomes interoperable because i just want to witness in real time the chaos the community clashes would bring
This entry was edited (4 days ago)

in reply to Winter blue tardis🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis The (black) bottom part is a real flatbed cargo car, so it does move. But according to the article, you cannot travel on it.

in reply to kallódó egzisztencia, Esq.

I keep on translating your conversation guys and now I wanna know the price. How many millions of I was going to say Eur. :D

Prišli mi učebnice v elektronickej podobe tak premýšľam že si to dám vytlačiť, stále mi je to bližšie mať na papieri.

Dneska cesta do práce trvala 90 minut. Na D6 směr Cheb čtyři nehody. Dálnice ze Sokolova do Chebu jeden led. Samozřejmě silničáři buďte v klidu, není kam spěchat.
This entry was edited (4 days ago)
in reply to Archos

Oni spěchají, ti silničáři, ale mají skluz se sekáním krajnic, tak to dodělávají 🙃
in reply to GuloGulo

To ti řeknu, to je hrozný. 😀😀 Přejedu hranice a vše upraveno.
This entry was edited (4 days ago)

I was asked this question at an Expo in Melbourne this week, and I’m fine repeating it here: for high school, higher study, and vocation: - Mac OS Voiceover with comparable apps still not comparable to Windows screen readers and apps. Fine for home or general computer tasks.
in reply to Callum Stoneman

@CallumStoneman My only reservation with the iPad was that writing documents at length was proving tricky last I looked. If you need to produce a well-formatted report with headings, perhaps a table of contents etc, it was never as slick as with windows. Same for spellchecking.

I'd love to see that has improved, though!

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @CallumStoneman I'm all for lightweight devices so long as kids get a good education on learning screen readers and using Windows devices as this is what they will encounter in the workplace. I know someone who is blind who wanted to use an iPad for her daily work driver, that isn't going to happen in a corporate setting. She didn't know how to use Windows or office making her essentially unemployable.

Kind of crazy that a 1913 Puck cartoon is almost 100% relevant to day.

I'd just delete the word "reassuring".

in reply to Diane

No I have no idea who was pushing tariffs in 1913.
in reply to Diane

Another always relevant comic for #USPol

We just need to swap out the names of some of the companies so it's now things like microsoft, google, amazon, exxonmobil, at&t, boeing. etc.

Can we please retire the myth that there is “no engagement” in the Fediverse?

Exhibit A: this badge from #Ivory showing the activity in my account over the past 22 hours — 344 notifications (likes, boosts, follows, replies).

I was on Twitter 1.0 for 14 years, had 4x as many followers on my personal account and never ever had these many interactions. Why?

The damn Big Tech algorithms penalizing my posts whenever I shared links.

I LOVE the Fediverse and its chronological feeds ❤️

in reply to Elena Rossini ⁂

I remember exactly the "revelation" in 2020, when I had on Mastodon (account of a few months) half the followers of Twitter (account of 10 years) and yet I had double the interactions and even more reactions...

Commercial social media is a pyramid scheme based on the supposed visibility

Tengo una idea que podría abrir puertas en un área donde, curiosamente, bajo el actual “hype” de la inteligencia artificial, nadie parece estar trabajando de forma directa: entrenar modelos de transcripción de voz a texto en español u otras lenguas minoritarias que funcionen completamente en el navegador, utilizando tecnologías como WebAssembly (WASM).

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Hoy toca finalizar la revisión del RAT (registro de actividades de tratamiento) y ver si tenemos que hacer algún análisis de impacto de protección de datos (en principio creo que no). Cosas de que a uno le caiga ser vice-DPD.

Znáte projekt Stromy pod kontrolou? Informační platforma pro inventarizaci stromů. Nebo také možnost zjistit, co je který strom zač.
Podívejte třeba na Tyršovy sady v Pardubicích:…
(chvilku počkat, než se načtou stromy)

In 1945, the US War Department realized that its soldiers stationed in Europe fighting the Nazis probably needed a good pamphlet explaining what fascism was, and how it occurs ...

... so they wrote one

and in it, they noted that America was not at all immune to this

So they explained how fascism would come to the US

Heather Cox Richardson writes about it in the latest edition of her newsletter: heathercoxrichardson.substack.…

"And I remember being younger and my mother told me true. Find someone who grows flowers in the darkest parts of you. Take heed when things get hard and don't you ever turn around. Cause you’ll find someone, someday, somewhere, that grows you to the clouds."

#love #lyrics #compassion #happy #happiness #zachbryan #suntome #MentalHealth #mensmentalhealth #song #beautiful #mindfulness

Včera jsem si trochu při běhu naložil. Hodina běh a každých pět minut 20 dřepů, dneska sotva lezu 💪😀
Naštěstí se už blíží volno.
in reply to Lucinek

Ona chůze je asi stejně nejzdravější. My chodíme taky občas na túry.
in reply to Archos

Právě. Také tomu nerozumím. Hlavně, že nohy vůbec fungují. Tak jsem defenzívně opatrná.

!!! (prosím o sdílení Čechům) Důležité upozornění pro čtenáře FFFilmu: Pokud chcete ve svém Mastodon feedu nadále vidět upozornění na nové FFFilm články, začněte sledovat robota @fffilm . Zde na mém osobním účtu se tyto odkazy už nebudou objevovat. Má to tu výhodu, že 1) Pokud FFFilm nečtete, nebudou vás ta upozornění nadále otravovat, 2) je na méně blocklistech než
#czech #fffilm
This entry was edited (4 days ago)

Navigating Accessibility: A Black Friday Shopping Experience on Mobile…

Bag a Refurbed Apple Watch Ultra for Just $400 With Woot's Black Friday Deal…

in reply to hannibal2000

Hi. Would you please add alt text to your images? Blind people who use screen readers are unable to identify images without them.

TapeBlocks are the accessible, affordable, versatile and creative circuit making activity and there is a version of TapeBlocks that is accessible so that anyone can explore circuits for themselves. They challenge people understanding of how to make circuits and who can make them. TapeBlocks combine technology with creativity to encourage everyone to play and explore.

reshared this

Video, Sesame Street - Ernie and Bert - Noisy Bedroom,…
in reply to Ken Scott Those Ernie and Bert skits are some of the funniest things on television. They're hilarious.

Updates On Optima Braille Laptop & SevaVision Offers Augmented Reality Glasses For Low Vision…

For #DoctorWho fans with a qualifying print disability, Bookshare recently added the following title to its collection.

The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who
by Simon Guerrier Marek Kukula
The Scientific Secrets of Doctor Who is a mind-bending blend of story and science that will help you see Doctor Who in a whole new light, weaving together a series of all-new adventures, featuring every incarnation of the Doctor.With commentary that explores the possibilities of time travel, life on other planets, artificial intelligence, parallel universes and more, Simon Guerrier and Dr. Marek Kukula show how Doctor Who uses science to inform its unique style of storytelling—and just how close it has often come to predicting future scientific discoveries.This book is your chance to be the Doctor's companion and explore what's out there. It will make you laugh, and think, and see the world around you differently.

Copyright: 2015 ISBN: 9780062386953

I'm old enough to remember when Russia bought a nine-year-old LiveJournal to identify and stifle local dissenters who were using the platform to mobilize. The whole Twitter thing happened before and it'll happen again, over and over again until we fucking learn.

Nothing teaches you what hand/eye coordination really means until you get a fucking digitizer tablet.

The biggest winner in this #election has been #oligarchy. #Oligarchs came out openly against #democracy and used every trick in the book to divide the American people against one another so they can rule us more directly than they have ever done in the modern era. They control #CorporateMedia and they will now strengthen their control in DC.

We have been on the road to oligarchy for a long time, and 11/5/24 will be as big a milestone on it as 1/21/10 when the Citizens United ruling was issued.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

It really doesn't reflect well on us as a technical society that we have allowed printers to continue to be so aggressively noncompliant for over 71 years

Dungeons and Dragons is a role-playing game that lets you live out such fantasies as:
• Having money
• Making close friends as an adult
• Travelling the world without crippling debt
• Being able to change the world
• Getting better at something with practice
• Getting 8 hours of sleep each night

Mastodon: Bluesky is Bad, actually
Bluesky: Mastodon is Bad, actually

It’s like a shit version of West Side Story. how long before a Mastodon user and a Bluesky user fall in love while communicating exclusively over the fedi bridge