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Because #Teams is slower than molasses flowing uphill, I break many conversations out into separate windows to save time across chats.

But Teams does not use window borders. So unless there is a lot of activity with the colored word bubbles as backdrops, holy shit is it hard to see then grab a corner to resize (something I need to do on the regular).

The Teams UI continues to be one of the most user-hostile ones I have ever seen from Microsoft.

And I used Bob.

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in reply to Adrian Roselli

I know for me from a keyboarding standpoint it still proves more challenging than Slack sometimes, at least on the rare occasions I get to use it, so I'm not surprised visually it has shortfalls like this. Not to say Slack is perfect either, they both get even slower than molasses on DSL-quality internet connections or hotspot, but that's neither here nor there I guess and a topic of performance optimisation
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg I never liked Slack (still don’t), but holy shit is it like butter compared to the CPU-crushing UI-failing UX-hostile platform that is Teams.

On this day, at almost exactly this minute in 1999 (for the last of it, anyway,) I recorded this snapshot of stuff from various North Carolina radio stations, as the band was particularly good that night/early morning. Radio isn't quite like this anymore. A lot has changed in 25 years.…

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in reply to Patrick Perdue

Boombox and broken antennas, that rings a bell. 🙂
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in reply to Marek Macko

Also have you experienced mechanical tuning knobs? I used to break them during a sporadic E season. Made my dad quite upset. :)
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V souvislosti s blížícím se #mastopivo bych apeloval na @xChaos a @gandalf, zda by vyjímečně mohli počítat i s několika nealkoholiky a řidiči a měli pro nás nachystané nějaké ty Birelly.

Za mne nejraději Pomelo-Grep, ale asi zvládnu i jiné příchutě (např. polotmavý Karamel-Citron). Co ty, @archos, souhlasíš?

in reply to Archos

já se točenýmu nealku rozhodně nebráním, ale pokud by naše sešlost nevypila celý sud, tak by bylo možný, že by byl problém s tím zbytkem, nevím...

Bernard švestka mi taky docela chutná.

Piráti odchází z vlády a končím tedy i já.

Mám radost, že se podařilo tolik skvělých věcí a že jsem mohl pracovat v tak úžasném týmu. Podařilo se nám nastartovat systémové změny, vytáhnout z popela roky mrtvé projekty.


Me dan ganas de intervenir sobre agricultura regenerativa pero, en realidad, no tengo ni puta idea del tema así que no voy a decir nada.
in reply to José Manuel Delicado

Por lo que he leído por ahí, pero ya te digo que no tengo mucha idea del tema, la agricultura regenerativa puede dar buenos resultados en determinados suelos y cultivos, aunque a veces requiere de más pesticidas y demás pero favorece la conservación y recuperación del suelo.

The officers approached the door, a brief nod between them, and they knew it was time to begin the familiar sequence. The first officer knocked loudly three times, while the second took on a speaking role.

“Police! Open up!!”

After a few moments of quiet, a gruff voice, muffled behind the closed door, spoke up.

“Come back with a warrant,” came the unwelcoming reply.

“Oh, but we have one. We have a signed search warrant for this property, so come on out,” the officer confidently replied.

“I wanna see it, then,” the voice from inside countered. “Slide it under the door.”

The officers looked puzzled, no one had ever asked to actually see the warrant.

“Well, we don’t have a paper copy of it,” the first officer said.

“Right, everything is on Docusign these days,” the second chimed in.

“Put your phone through the letter box then, I’ll take a look at it on there.”

“I’m not going to give you my phone,” the second officer replied, his phone now in hand. “What’s your email address? I can forward you a copy.”

The gruff voice provided an email address to the officers.

“Ok, I’ve sent that it should be in your inbox now.”


“Ok, check spam - sometimes they go into spam,” the first officer interjected.

“Ah yes it’s in spam. But it’s not opening, it says I have to login to my DocuSign account. I don’t have a DocuSign account?”

“Well. Can you just sign up then?” Asked the second officer.

“I ain’t paying for DocuSign!” The voice replied abruptly.

“I don’t think you have to pay, it’s free to view documents.”

“I don’t wanna risk it, I have so many subscriptions,” the voice inside responded.

The officers contemplated their next move.

“Do you have a printer?” One asked.

“Yes,” the voice inside responded.

“Ok, does it have AirPrint?”

“I think so? How could I tell?”

“What’s your wifi password? We’ll join the network and we’ll be able to tell,” the officer responded.

“Ok. Wifi password is $42xnskwfgewzfgekueod!&3.”

The first officer rolled his eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, after breaking the WiFi passcode into manageable chunks, the officer was finally connected.

“Ok. I see the printer. It has AirPrint. Thank God. Ok, I’m printing now.”

“Nothing is happening,” said the person inside the house.

“Ah, it just said you’re out of yellow ink. Do you have any more yellow ink?”

“I do not, but why do you need yellow ink? Just print it in black and white?”

“Yeah these new printers want you to have all the inks before you print.”

“No way. And yet, I’m the criminal?” The voice inside replied.

“Right?” The officers laughed, before finally becoming resigned to their fate. “Ok, we’re going to go print the warrant at the station. I’m out of daily printing credits so will have to wait for them to reset at midnight. Please don’t go anywhere or remove any evidence from the property until we come back.”

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🤖 XR Accessibility: for people with hearing disabilities by @JoeLamyman

"Extended Reality (XR) experiences tend to focus on providing immersive sounds and directional audio to convey information. But we need to consider how we convey the information in these experiences to people who can’t hear them."

#XR #VR #accessibility…

I got tired of losing my Meta glasses case, so I did 2 things: 1. Stuck a rectangle earth magnet on the back so that I can stick it to the fridge when I'm not using the case. And 2, I velcroed an air tag on the top of the case, so that I can locate them by sounds when I haven't stuck the case on the fridge. Now to figure something out for the glasses themselves. Guess I could put an air tag on the inside of the lense, since I don't use them to see anyway. Hmm, that might actually work.
in reply to Just Martin

ooooh those are good strategies! Especially if you have a reliable spot to place the case. I'm not sure about an AirTag on the lense itself, it might work but if you have the clear ones people would obviously see it. Otherwise maybe! Would be curious to know if it could still fit in the case that way.

ATTENTION! YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE!!! Will someone please wake up Green Day! I repeat! Will someone please wake up Green Day! September has ended! Thank you.

"I installed a box high up on a pole somewhere in the Mission of San Francisco. Inside is a crappy Android phone, set to Shazam constantly, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's solar powered, and the mic is pointed down at the street below."

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Condenamos la invasión de Israel a Líbano, un nuevo hito de escalada regional que Israel lleva buscando desde hace meses para desplazar el foco del genocidio sobre Gaza.

La impunidad y las dobles varas de medir que Europa y Norteamérica aplica con Israel son insoportables.

No podemos esperar más. Es urgente romper ya las relaciones diplomáticas, imponer un embargo militar inmediato, promover sanciones a Israel y llevar a sus dirigentes racistas y genocidas ante la justicia.

✍🏽 drugs button popover - updated October 1 2024

"Several people have questioned my reasoning for writing about the use case of popover as a tooltip, no I was not on drugs, at the time of writing I noticed that GitHub was using popover as a tooltip"

#accessibility #HTML #ARIA…

My website hosting came up for renewal, so I’ve taken the decision to take the site down. Visitor traffic doesn’t warrant the cost of keeping it going, and all my books are on Amazon anyway.
But you can expect to see more posts here promoting my books.
If you like #Historical fiction, please do take a look at them. I’ve written stories set in Roman times, as well as a few on WW1 aviation. Do check out the Amazon reviews.
#Books #Novels

Ab nächstem Jahr möchte die Bundesregierung 12,4 Mrd. Euro in die #Aktienrente investieren. Ein Lieblingsprojekt von #Linder (ja, genau der von der #FDP, der sonst immer sagt, es sei kein Geld da, weil Kreditverbot alias #Schuldenbremse).

Zur Einordnung, das wären:

2x soviel, wie der Bund für Forschung & Entwicklung ausgibt,
1,8x soviel, wie der Bund in Maßnahmen zum Wohnungsbau stecken möchte,
12,5x jährlicher Bundes-Zuschuss zum #Deutschlandticket


in reply to Stefan Karstens

Zur Erinnerung: Bei der #Aktienrente geht es nicht darum, dass jetzt oder in Zukunft Rentner:innen was davon haben. Sondern darum, dass der Bund Aktien kauft. Um vielleicht (ganz vielleicht) mit eingenommenen Dividenden ab 2035 den Rentenbeitrag um 0,1 - 0,5% weniger ansteigen lassen zu müssen.

Oder kurz: Es ist eine gewaltige Verschiebung öffentlicher Mittel, unserer Steuergelder, an den #Kapitalmarkt. Mit entsprechenden Verlustrisiken. Völliger Blödsinn.


Gestern war ja eine Countdown-Pressekonferenz des Bundesgesundheitsministers zur elektronischen Patientenakte. Deswegen noch ein paar Gedanken dazu [1/7]

Lauterbach: E-Patientenakte für alle »von der Sicherheit her besonders sicher«

Leider sieht das nicht danach aus, daher haben wir in der Familie komplett Widerspruch eingelegt. 👇……

As the UK shut down it's final Coal burning power station yesterday, I see that XKCD celebrated it with a calculation.

So we burned about 3 inches in depth of the UK's surface between 1853 and 2024 😲

#xkcd #coal #environment

So yes, I did use Teams Online on my own laptop today to avoid walking to the home office through the rain. It's a lifestyle choice to stay dry and I am defending it.

Morning all, well, we were meant to be having a choir performance today, but it hasn't happened. We got an urgent message on our phones saying the mini bus that was meant to be taking us had been hit by a lorry, forcing it off the road for the forseeable future. Luckily, nobody was hurt and we were all safely at home. The situation could have been so much different. We could have been on that bus and had injuries or possible fatalities. So so grateful to be where I am.
in reply to Kay

glad nobody was hurt. Traffic accidents are so often life-changing and not in a good way!

This rainy dreary weather makes it so hard to get up and moving in the morning.
in reply to Just Martin

@mcourcel @cachondo Well give them the commonality of both the name and the structure, maybe higher than we might at first think. Hahaha!
in reply to James Dean

@GamingWithEars @mcourcel @cachondo It's a different spelling, Sean Randall's name is spelled properly, the other one is decidedly not. Also I'm having a lot of fun imagining Sean Randall going from posh welsh to summerset.
in reply to Haily Merry

@arqeria @GamingWithEars @mcourcel I do perform a mean cider drinker, it must be said. Although only in the shed. without any form of outside conectivity, where my only judgment comes from the birds.
in reply to James Dean

@GamingWithEars @mcourcel just to throw confusion into the mix, before I married mrs randall, she was a Preece. But not the same Preece as Shaun.

Not to brag, but I was spewing out hilariously incorrect information before huge tech companies decided to create AI chatbots and ruin the internet.

Máme 600 registrací a do konference zbývá 11 dnů! Příští týden to vypukne. #linuxdays

#Satisfactory vlákno! Volám všechny fandy téhle hry! 😀

Pojďme si ukázat, jak jsou naše továrny super!


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We've just launched the Tuta Calendar app on Android - and it's blue!!! 🥳

iOS is ready as well, but Apple does not want to approve it... We're trying our best to get it out asap!

Launch details & all included features 👉…

in reply to Tuta

So glad you guys share the same love for both platforms and don't prioritize one over the other!
in reply to Khalid

@KhalidFusion Absolutely. To reach our goal of bringing privacy respecting solutions to the masses, we have to meet people where they are. That means not only developing apps for Android and iOS, but also free desktop clients for Windows, Mac, and Linux. 💪

Weil es immer so grausame Statistiken gibt wie "alle 2 Tage stirbt ein:e ..., wegen [unnatürliche Todesursache]", fragte ich mich gerade, wie das mit Verkehrstoten aussieht. Der ADAC liefert:

2023 gab es in D…


… #Verkehrstote.

Mal aufn Taschenrechner schauen...

* knapp 8 Tote pro Tag
* also alle 3 - 4 Tage z.B. eine Schulklasse (Menge)
* knapp 55 Menschen / Woche

Nur in D. Guten Tag.…

#Sicherheitspolitik #VerkehrsWende #Verhältnismäßigkeit #Auto

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

🗣Julián Assange: “Me declaré culpable de haber hecho periodismo”

En su primera declaración pública tras salir de la cárcel, el fundador de WikiLeaks reivindica su contribución y señala que no se ha hecho justicia.…

Si te encuentras en una situación de insolvencia y no tienes bienes suficientes para hacer frente a las deudas, existe una solución pensada para personas en tu misma situación: el concurso sin masa. Este proceso te permite enfrentarte a la insolvencia de una forma más ágil y, en muchos casos, puede ayudarte a comenzar de nuevo gracias a la Ley de Segunda Oportunidad…

El Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE) ya tiene colgadas en su canal las charlas y posterior mesa redonda de la jornada "A natureza do espazo-tempo". Las charlas son cortas y didácticas; y la mesa redonda muy chula (cómo mola Gastón Giribet)

Muy recomendable.


Now sorry for asking I had to reset some passwords one for my Gmail, now when I go into outlook it won't bring down any new emails where do I go to reset the password for gmail in outlook? thnak you all.

El misterio de la pizarra de Broncano: ¿qué pinta esta maravilla de las matemáticas en La Revuelta?…

Ninguém me tira da cabeça que pelo menos em metade das casas assombradas, a coisa se explica simplesmente com os ruídos que o frigorífico faz.

Today I learned that Apple Air Pods Pro in noise cancelling mode perfectly cancels the clicking of a geiger counter. You would not know it was making a sound. I hope that this is not relevant to /your/ day.

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¿Os acordáis de aquel taxi que me dejó tirado con Yuco (mi perro guía) por Abril, y al que le puse una denuncia en el IMET (Instituto metropolitano del taxi)? Pues hoy me ha llegado la resolución. Para sorpresa de nadie, la queja ha sido archivada con una advertencia al taxista. Imagino que será algo como: Oye, Antonio, que si vuelve a pasar esto te damos unos azotes, ¿eh? No seas gamberro.

Pues eso, que parece que las denuncias tampoco valen de una mierda.

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"Daniel Stenberg,

We’re pleased to welcome you to the Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVP) program in recognition of your outstanding contributions to the community"

Buenos días. Sigo enfermo así que sigo en casa. Estoy mejor, eso sí. Creo que mañana estaré ya en buenas condiciones.

Any Lebanese Christian anywhere in the world has a moral duty to counter the propaganda being spread around that Israel is ‘liberating’ us. Israel is massacring our people and they must be treated like any invading army is treated anywhere in the world.