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Items tagged with: html

😑🆕 What ARIA still does not do

"Use of ARIA is a promise you as a developer make to screen reader users."

#a11y #ARIA #HTML #WebDev…

Why are my live regions not working? by @patrick_h_lauke

'Live regions have a reputation for being "flaky" and inconsistent. While this can be attributed in part to shortcomings in current implementations, the problem can also be caused by developers misunderstanding how live regions are intended to work.'

#accessibility #HTML #ARIA #WebDev…

New post, another in my series of using the right lingo while also carrying the IKEA vibe:

“Be Careful Using ‘Grid’”…

I try to disambiguate between 8 different meanings of the word ‘grid’ in a web dev context.

#HTML #ARIA #CSS #accessibility #a11y

In Safari’s “reader mode” so many websites are confusing, esp newspapers, magazines & journals

Disable reader mode & see the problem: headings, blockquotes & image captions styled visually only, without basic semantic markup

wtf webdevs?

Essential #accessibility STARTS w #SemanticMarkup that designates what’s a heading, what’s a block quote, what’s an image caption…

Semantic #HTML is not new. Even #HTML5 is 16 YEARS old! Use the tools handed to you

/me stops shaking fist, gets off soapbox

aria-label is one of a number of secondary methods to label native HTML UI elements. It works in some scenarios, less well or not at all on others. Get the details on it's proper and effective usage.

#HTML #ARIA #WebDev #WebDevelopment #DigitalAccessibility #Accessibility #A11y

I have been reading through the State of HTML 2023 results site ( and I am so disappointed in the overall #accessibility efforts — both in the questions and in the code.

This may become a blog post.

I filed 3 issues today, have filed 15 since late 2022, and only 2 have been addressed:…

But these surveys keep pushing problematic info in problematic UIs, giving the wrong impression of… everything.

#a11y #HTML

All titles of the “Upgrade Your #HTML” ebook series are now available at a lower price! 🔻

(The previous price had essentially been dictated by one of the books’ platforms, which is now being worked around by donating the difference.)

If you purchased the latest title and find the new price fairer, reach out so that I can offer you another book, free of charge!


I have a question for #accessibility and #internationalization peeps out there. Suppose that I made a post on Mastodon that includes a photo. But the language I use for the post is Tagalog, my native language. Should I write my alt text in Tagalog or English?

The post can be translated by whatever translation service Mastodon uses. But I'm not entirely sure that the alt text would also be translated, especially since I remember that #HTML attributes are not translated, unless that's old news.

“The reasons why use of the placeholder attribute as the only means of providing a user readable prompt for a form control is deficient UX, are voluminous. It is frustrating having to rehash this discussion endlessly.”

#HTML #a11y #webDev…

Why are my live regions not working? by @patrick_h_lauke

"Live regions have a reputation for being "flaky" and inconsistent. While this can be attributed in part to shortcomings in current implementations, the problem can also be caused by developers misunderstanding how live regions are intended to work."

#a11y #webDev #HTML #ARIA…

I've been having too much fun clipping things on YouTube to share with my colleagues. Here's a clip with @slightlyoff on questions you should ask yourself when considering React:


#react #html

This is so f***** up!! O_O

Be aware when you receive HTML emails (who doesn't?)!…

#Phishing #SCAM
#Thunderbird #Outlook

In “Techniques to Break Words” I quickly review:

You can play around with the demo directly:


#html #css

👁‍🗨Screen Readers support for text level HTML semantics

"A long time ago (2008) I wrote an article: Screen Readers lack emphasis. At the time, 15 years ago..."

#a11y #webDev #HTML #screenReaders…

I wrote an article about how to make hastags accessible. Did some #ScreenReader testing with #JAWS, #NVDA, #VoiceOver and #Narrator, which was fun!

Pretty long one though, contains a bunch of tables for comparison. Enjoy the ride!…

#accessibility #a11y #html #JavaScript #WebDev #frontend

You Don't Need ARIA For That [HTMHell 2022]… #a11y #aria #webdev #html #tips

This is an interesting #HTML proposal from @Seirdy

Should there be a `<spoiler>` element?…

My heart says yes. HTML should reflect what people are actually doing on the web. How they write. The features they invent.

But my head says it is a duplicate of `<details>` albeit non-block level.

I needed to test support for dynamic accessible descriptions recently, so I made a blog post reference in case it's helpful for others.…

#accessibility #a11y #html #webdev #ux #screenreader

"Most importantly, tooltips should only provide descriptive and non-essential text, giving slightly more detailed text for active elements such as links and form controls. Ultimately, they provide expendable text which is already on the web page."…

Great in-depth article about #tooltips by Jan Hellbusch. He knows what he's talking about, had the pleasure to be in one of his workshops and he's an absolute pro. 🤯

#HTML #CSS #JavaScript #accessibility #a11y #HTMHell

Reprise: "On the <dl>" by @ben #webdev #html

I have a question regarding a semantic HTML construct, and I'd like to know what the current consensus is (if there is one). So here goes:

Should navigation links be placed in an unordered list in a <nav>?

The spec doesn't recommend anything, but examples from MDN (…) and WHATWG (…) consistently use lists unless the contents are written in prose. Is this still the preference more broadly?

I have some other questions in this area. Safari removes list semantics if you remove the bullets (with exceptions, such as if the list is a child of "nav"), due to alleged "list-itis". At what point do lists become inappropriate? If I have a list of blog posts, and I format them as cards, with a heading, publish date, summary, and an image, is that too much content for each <li>?

Also, MDN and WHATWG point out not all links should be contained in navs (such as footer links), and "nav" should instead signal major blocks of navigation links. Would my prior example of a list of blog posts count as a major block? Should I enclose my list of blog posts in a nav? Does that extend to all section, category, and tag pages listing pages in that section/category/tag?

Feel free to respond if you have opinions, but keep it civil, and boosts are appreciated.

#HTML #semanticHTML #WebDev #website #accessibility #a11y

Web developers need to read this, and study it really well. "Foundations: HTML semantics"… #html #webdev #webdevelopment

Yup!!! "Web developers don't know HTML anymore"… #webdev #webdevelopment #fail #html

Accessible Chips demo — "modified to use the HTML datalist element instead of a custom autosuggest". Nice! By @mfairchild365 (and inspired by me 😁 ). This demo is actually 4 years old! Browser support (for datalist) is better. #webdev #html #a11y

Card Pattern — nice techniques here! by @MerriNet (forked a couple times, original by Erik Kroes) #webdev #a11y #html #css

With the help of ChatGPT I have added alt text to images in my slide deck "No Industry for Old Men" from #a11yTO 2023

#a11y #webStandards #HTML #ARIA #Depression #aging #ai…

Not picking on anyone, but I just saw someone asking devs not to use "2FA" in user messages, and instead use "two factor authentication."

2FA is 3 syllables. Two factor authentication is 8.

From my #a11y use case, 2FA is an accommodation.

I would argue that there's already an HTML way to solve this problem, and that's the html abbr element with the title attribute.

#a11y #html