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„Langfristig gesehen seien Personen, denen Sanktionen auferlegt wurden, seltener erwerbstätig.“…

Mehr ist dazu nicht zu sagen. Könnten wir bitte mit den Sanktionen aufhören? Sie sind nicht nur unmenschlich, sondern auch dumm.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I don't understand why people keep complaining about printers. They obviously have never tried to use a projector.

It’s been an unusually hot start to October in Japan, and high temperatures are set to continue.… #japan #heat #heatwaves

‘Majority of users in the study preferred browser preferences to website specific preferences (eg via an overlay)’ — @dnikub #a11yTO

As physicist John Holdren, former US Science Advisor, once said about climate change, “We basically have three choices: mitigation, adaptation and suffering. We’re going to do some of each. The question is what the mix is going to be. The more mitigation we do, the less adaptation will be required and the less suffering there will be.”

[Podcast] How to Use Audio Ducking on iOS for Clearer VoiceOver…

Politische Gefangene sollen in Belarus auf Feldern des sächsischen AfD-Politikers Jörg Dornau gearbeitet haben. Nach Recherchen des MDR könnten Häftlinge gezielt hierfür inhaftiert worden sein.…

na hlave mám popínavú rastlinu
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

OMG I want to tell you about the coolest thing I've learned about in a hot minute! (Maybe everyone already knows about this, but it's new to me & I LIKE LEARNING STUFF LET'S GO ON A JOURNEY OF EXPLOSIVE DISCOVERY TOGETHER)

SO. Under certain precise conditions, natural deposits of uranium can develop spontaneous nuclear fission chain reactions identical to the kind we make on purpose in modern nuclear reactors

*This has already happened at least once.* About 1.7 billion years ago in Oklo, Gabon

Až teď koukám, že Manowar budou v Ostravě v lednu.
MANOWAR přijedou oslavit své zásadní desky do Ostravy…

Je patnáct hodin. Právě byl vyhlášen všeobecný víkend.
in reply to Archos

@archos Ahoj, diky! Teď jsem dorazil domů. Ještě do půl šesté jsem dělal vývoj našeho Service desku... 😆
in reply to Robin Bedrunka 🐞

Ajajaj dlouhý to pátek. Tak hned příště volno za přesčasy :-))

Přišel vhod ten dnešní relax no 😁
in reply to Archos

@archos Rozhodně! Navíc na koupelnu jsem dřel celý rok, abychom měli. Takže zasloužené užití hotové práce 😄

People, I need to tell you, The Netherlands has a database of every traffic sign! And boy are there a load of traffic signs!… - via @jap

By viewing this post you agree to binding arbitration with a third party of my choice.

Still battling a bit of a cold and headache, but nonetheless let's try to do another Thunderbird live coding session

#thunderbird #live #coding #development #opensource

in reply to Aleca

Postponing this to next week.
I overestimated my healing factor and I still need more time to recover.

Tusky deprecation notices

Sensitive content

20 hudebních alb, které ovlivnily to, kým jste. Jedno album denně po dobu 20 dnů. Žádné vysvětlivky, žádné recenze, jen obaly alb.
in reply to Michele Dvořáků

řadí se mezi jejich nejlepší alba ..... na zítra už mám vybrané ještě jedno ..... ty tři budou moje asi nejvíc top co mám ráda.....ale neboj zbylých 17 už bude od jiných interpretů 😉🫠
in reply to Archos

Rozumím .... já se díky bratrovi k Floydům dostala už někdy v sedmi letech ..... a byla to láska na první poslech ❤️ 😍

This chemical that reacts explosively with water and co2 and burns glass, concrete, asbestos, and basically anything else and can only be put out by argon or waiting is not really a chemical so much as a malevolent force, an expression of rage by the universe…

Daniel's weekly report October 4, 2024…

CVEMITRECVSSNVDCNAOSS, MVP, call density, removing hyper, snaxx-44

i'm taking a course in Shopify Academy and just red this... curious what your thoughts are: Consumers expect fast delivery options. Retailers will need to offer same-day or next-day delivery to meet these expectations and stay competitive. Providing flexible delivery options, such as scheduled delivery times and easy return processes, will also enhance the customer experience and encourage purchases.
Does delivery time play into you chosing to order a product?

There's a question in r/blind: "Should I switch to a MacBook after ten years on Windows?" No. No you should not. The poster is doing coding, and I can't imagine trying to learn to code while also dealing with how badly VoiceOver does in Safari. I haven't tried VSCode on macOS much, but I doubt it would be anywhere near as seamless as it is on Windows.
in reply to Alex Hall

It’s not bad. I prefer code runner but VS Code works.

Carbon capture and storage will play absolutely no role in "the energy transition" as there's no evidence it can be scaled up in any meaningful way that even lowers emissions, and isn't creating energy either.

CCS is simply just a scam that's been designed by and for the fossil fuel industry so they can keep burning and profiting - and make you suffer for it.

#FossilFuels #Labour #EdMiliband #ClimateChange #ukpol

Now the CAQ government is saying it wants half of the 160,000 asylum seekers currently in Québec moved... but the federal government must manage it.



NO.… #cdnpoli #polcan #assnat #polQC #QCpoli #MTLpoli #polMTL

“Hey, could I get admin rights added to my account please?”

“No, absolutely not.”

“Ok. Hey, could I get a service account with admin rights, please? It’s for the, erm, big integration.”

“Sure, here are seven of them just in case.”

Unable to Decrypt. We haven’t received the key for this message. You don’t have access to this message.

It has become a meme. But what are we doing to improve the situation? Let's find out with Andy from the crypto team.

in reply to Christian Selig

My former employer invited him to talk at a company event back in 2009 or so, and while I listened to him talk, I had an unsteady feeling about him and his attitudes. I had a feeling this guy could be a toxic personality easily. I hate to be proven correct. And I am glad I didn't accept a job offer at that place a few years back. A friend had encouraged me to apply, but I felt this wasn't right for me. Well, I got burnt out anyway, and am now retired and no longer need to worry about anything job-related any more, but I am certainly glad I avoided that particular pitfall.

Mozilla latest move make it hard to say "use Firefox as it is not developed by an ad company"

The argument that Google money doesn't influence Firefox development, but the means, is no longer relevant.

Congratulation to Mozilla for choosing a strategy that alienate the last bit of demographic that support them.

If you're sick of the "Log in with Google" pop-up (I am) and use UBlock Origin on Firefox, you can nuke it by adding this to your filters:*

At least, it's worked so far.

Some days I think every "advance" in web technologies after 1998 was a mistake...

reshared this

(this post is bilingual and contain realistic coarse language. If you can't handle it, too bad)

Fuck the language police. ACAB.

(yes includes the OQLF, they can go fuck themselves).

En Francais:

J'emmerde la police de la langue. TFSB (Tous les Flics Sont des Batards)

(oui ça inclus OQLF, ils peuvent aller se faire enculer)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

big loss for the airlines -- the SCC just rejected their argument that Canada's Air Passenger Protection Regulations conflict with the Montreal Convention…


Wie macht ihr deutlich, wenn ihr Sprachmodelle für Aufgaben nutzt, wie z.B. Antworten per E-Mail, SocialMedia, Programmierung oder ähnliches?

#LLM #sogenannteKI #Assistenten #Transparenz

a more nuanced problem with google killing off its cached search results: if the page has changed since it was crawled and no longer contains your search terms, you now have no way of seeing what it said back when it did 😒

#Quebec language watchdog orders a #Hull café owner to make her Instagram posts in French after nine years of doing them in English

#montreal #ottawa…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to AnnaAnthro

I kind of want to go there now just for the "What in the Quebec fascism is going on" comment
in reply to Dave Mac Farlane

@driusan Yup. It's Franco Fascism. Legault is a Fascist. And not even just about language. That permeates in everything.

As a person whose mother tongue is French (from France) I feel deeply offended with what's happening.

Oil companies just don't advertise like they used to.

I wonder why the Android 15 beta for Samsung phones is coming so late this year? If I remember right, when I got my Samsung phone, there was already an Android 14 beta for it, and that was in early September.
in reply to Mason

I was wondering the same thing. Google’s release is late too, so maybe there are some under the hood changes that make just dropping in previous modifications and adding new ones less simple than they were last year. Reminds me of the Android 7/8 days.

So far I like Earth 6160 Captain America far more than Earth 1610 Cap.